We can stand on God's Word for salvation
and healing after we have met His conditions
(repenting and receiving Jesus as Saviour)
and demolished all weapons of rebellion. We
can praise our way through to perfect victory.

This is called the 'PRAISE CURE', and it
never fails when the praise is overflowing
and we are resting on His unchanging Word.
Throughout the world there are many places
and people that have developed cures for all
types of illnesses, etc. But there is only one
sure cure.

It's the most expensive ever known and it
is paid by someone else. Not with silver or
gold but by the precious blood of Jesus.
(1 Peter 1:19)

Both the richest and the poorest can enjoy its
benefits. This is the 'PRAISE CURE' It can
be received and maintained by shouting and
singing. By shouting and singing yourself
into and through things that you can't get
any other way.
God wants us to be living epistles. His word
is to be written in our very lives and flesh for
all to read.
For "He is the health of our countenance"
Psalm 42:11

And the heathen will have to say, "The Lord
hath done great things for them"
Psalm 126:2

and they will seek the Lord our God!
Medical science is active in preventive medicine.
We do not want to knock what they may have

But immunity from disease is the desire.
It has not been made real in their efforts.

It can be made real only by the child of God who
will take a stand on the promises of God and not
stagger at them through unbelief.
Jesus is the end of the law for righteousness
to every one that believes. And the righteous-
ness of the law is fulfilled in us who walk not
after the flesh but after the Spirit.

It is not only healing but total immunity from
all disease that is ours in Christ Jesus as we
walk in the obedience of faith.

This is what the world in looking for today!
The covenant of healing given to the Israelites
in Exodus 15:26, is ours. We are guaranteed
immunity from diseases, depending upon our
obedience to God's laws. We do not need to be
afraid of the conditions.

By the obedience of One (Jesus) many are made
As we pass through the ages, like they did,
we are being seen by all of those around us
even those heroes of faith from past ages.

At times, don't you think we must look like
a sorry sight compared to those Israelites?

We have no less promises. . . . .God says "I
am the Lord that healeth thee"; "My words
are health to all your flesh"; and "I am the
Lord, I change not."
We are told that the things that happened to
them were a model or pattern of us. God has
given "some better thing for us."

They lived in types and shadows while we have
the real thing. They had only partial light on
the things of God while we have the full light
of the Holy Spirit; who has come to lead us
into all truth, and to teach us all things.

But what kind of example do we show when
compared to them?
When Israel came out of Egypt; "He brought
them forth. . . .and there was not one feeble
person among all their tribes."
Psalms 105:37

What a sight that must have been, young,
old, men, women, children; all strong and
healthy. No wonder dread and fear were
upon the other nations when they saw them.

God was with them! Numbers 23:21-22
We are learning from the book of Exodus that
there is no safety without the Bood. This truth
needs to be burned into our souls in these days.

We need to reject any literature put out by the
modernists (devil) or cults that trample under
the foot the blood of the Son of God.
It was the blood, and it alone that the
Israelites were indebted to for their deliv-
It had to be shed. Hebrews 9:22
It had to be applied. Romans 3:25
It had to be applied openly. On the doors.
It had to be continually on them.

They were sheltered behind it body, soul,
and spirit. Continual abiding results in
perfect physical and spiritual victory.
A foremost American doctor, now dead, once
said, "Back of all disease lies a cause which no
[medical] remedy can reach."

We know the cause from the Word of God is
sin. The outworking of it in the body is disease,
disabilities and deformities. There is only one
remedy and that is the blood of Jesus.
Medical science is limited to its possibilities
and the best doctors are the first to admit it.

The list of incurable diseases is long. And
even in the case of diseases that are classed
as incurable, the result of treatment is often
hardly bearable.
All that the Eqyptian doctors could do and
they could do a lot, was useless. Confronted
with this deadly plague, that killed all the
firstborn of Egypt, left them helpless. They
couldn't do any more for the King's child
than they could for the poor servant's.

The only remedy was the blood of Jesus the
Lamb of God. It was the Israelites only
immunity from this awful catastrophy.

Thank God! it has never lost its power.
Notice that there was only one protection
from this deadly epidemic, and it was the

The thing that the Israelites had that the
Egyptians didn't was the blood upon the
doorposts of their homes.

Their firstborn just as the Israelites, were
only safe through the blood. "When I see
the blood I will pass over you, and the
plague shall not be upon you" Exodus 12:13
What made the difference? What did the
Israelites have the the Egyptians didn't?

During the time that God gave them before
that plague struck, there was safety and
immunity from disease and death for those
who wanted it and would received it.

It was for the Israelites and Gentiles because
there was a "mixed multitude" that went out
with the children of Israel by the creation of
the Passover. Which is a type of the atoning
work of Jesus Christ, the Sacrifice of the
spotless Lamb of God.
The Egyptians were just as fair, as the
Israelites they were just as good from a
human standpoint. But throughtout
Egypt from the king on down there was
nothing but death.

But the homes of the Israelites had peace
and security as they kept and feasted on
the Passover Lamb.
The Lord puts a difference between His
people (the Israelites) and those who are
strangers to Him, as were the Egyptians,
and the difference is the difference between
life and death. Read Exodus 11:7

He draws a line, on the side of life. . . life
more abundantly, life for the spirit, soul and
body; and on the other side of which is death
. . . .death for spirit, soul, and body, the second
Now in the 11th chapter of Exodus, the Lord
is saying to Moses, "Yet will I bring one more
plague upon Pharaoh and upon Egypt."

The words were an awful judgment upon
them and Moses relayed the message to them
in Exodus 11:4-6. It was the last plague and
it was death in every house of Egypt.

But not against the children of Israel!

In Exodus before the 11th chapter, we see
that God had been dealing with the Eyptians
with several judgments to make them let his
people go, but nothing had worked.

Pharaoh's heart was hard and stubborn. God
came to the end of His long-suffering; and
the final judgment, the death of the firstborn
of Egypt by a pestilence was about to begin.
Over the centuries, much has been learned
about Egypt; by excavators, researchers and
historians who recorded much information.

But Egypt is a type of the world and it is a
wonderful old world. It has all kinds of great
and beautiful things in it, but, like Egypt, it is
one big tomb; its Bible is a "Book of the Dead,"
because all who belong to it are dead in their
trespasses and sins.

And so far as we are concerned, there is only
one thing for us to do: and that is to come out
of it. "Come out from among them and be ye
separate. . . .touch not the unclean thing"
2 Corinthians 6:17
Our sicknesses, as well as our sins, were bore
by Him; and not only that, but the Cross was
cast into the bitter waters of life (just like Marah)
making them sweet and we do not need to drink
of the bitter springs for Jesus will lead us to the
fountains of living waters.

So we can be rid of sickness and stay that way
through the law of the Spirit of the life in Christ
Surely we are bought with a price; therefore
let us glorify God in our bodies and in our
spirits, which are His.

The offense of the cross still exists. But while
it is foolishness to them that perish, to us who
believe the cross of Christ it is the power of
God unto salvation, our only hope.
Now He only requires us to respond to this
wonderful plan of redemption, and that we
ourselves be clothed.

Don't come all dressed up in filthy rags of
self-righteousness, but be dressed up, body,
soul and spirit in the righteousness (rightness)
of Jesus.

This is divine healing and divine health. Never
forget that it comes only through the shed
blood. This teaching is not popular but it is
true and based on God's Word.
God must pay our wages. He has to in order
to be consistent with His principles, which
are His righteousness and holiness.

God owes us something, and that is death.
He must pay the debt. He will pay it in full,
"the soul that sinneth, it shall die"!

But Jesus, who had no sin, ran in between
the human race and the death penalty and
bore it for us. God, having made His Son
suffer the full penalty for sin, can then
justly pardon us.
This much we do know because God tells us
in His Word, that under His law, which will
never change, "the wages of sin is death."

That death is not only the decomposing of
the body which we call disease but also the
separation of the spirit from God; it is some
thing we have justly earned.
The question may be asked, "I don't under-
stand how the death of an innocent victim
on my behalf can bring me salvation, healing,
deliverance, joy, peace and all the attributes
of God?"

It is true that we do not understand, but we
do not need to understand, only believe, and
that we can do.