In fact, every religion that has ever existed,
has taught or implied that healing of the
body is part of their god or gods philosophy.

It has also hindered the development of
medical science. Because sickness is a result
of sin in the world, only God can effectively
deal with it.
The Word regarding our souls is the same for
our bodies. Jesus healed the sick, and that
healing is the same today because He is the
same. We can have it through faith in His Name.

God's Word is "forever settled in heaven" and
it is made real and living in the same proportion
of our faith. . . ."as thy faith is, so be it unto you".
We must build our faith to where healing becomes
"For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven."
Psalm 119:89

"So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my
mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall
accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper
in the thing whereto I sent it."
Isaiah 55:11

"thy word is truth." John 17:17
How awesome it is to be able to tell others
that are suffering from diseases no matter
what it is, that "Christ has redeemed us from
the curse" Galatians 3:13 not one exception.

The curse and the blessings of the law are
in Deuteronomy 28. Jesus came to redeem
us from every disease and sickness that the
people suffered under the curse.
So to be delivered from disease we must come
to the One who settled the sin-and-sickness
question for us on the cross of Calvary by being
made a curse for us, and looking to the Lamb of

Not under the curse, not under the curse,
Jesus has set me free,
For sickness, I have health, for poverty, wealth,
Since Jesus has ransomed me.
This truth was accepted by the apostles and
for hundred of years afterward. But down
through the ages, it got mixed with much of
the other heresies being taught that it was
almost totally lost from the church.

But at the time of the Reformation it came to
light again with the uncovering of the truths
in the Bible and the healings that started to
take place.

With every revival the flow of healing rises
greater with the last outpouring of the Holy
The Word teaches us that sin, sickness, and
suffering actually exists. The are real and not
a fantasy of the human mind.

But it also teaches that they are completely
removed by God in answer to believing prayer
in the name of Jesus, who took both sickness
and sin in His own body on the cross.
Our best and only hope is to find the best physician.

Our Physician is the God of Hope, Jesus is our
hope 1 Timothy 1:1 "Lord Jesus Christ, which is
our hope;"

So to be true to God and His Word, we have to
be like those he taught, and trust Him for our
bodies, as well as our souls.
No, God's way of healing is only One, Jesus
Christ our Lord. He is not only the Way, but
He is the Truth and the Life of spirit, soul
and body.

God always blesses us at least a much as we
let him and meet our needs where we are.
We have the word that Jesus himself is our
If medical science was God's preferred way of
healing our sicknesses and diseases; it would
not be so uncertain, so unreliable, so diverse,
fluctuating and changing.

His Word regarding healing is never changing,
never ending and always reliable.
What is interesting about the attitude of the
Word of God regarding human medical science
is that it's ignored as nonexistant. The silence
regarding the medical system of that time was

The only times Jesus spoke of the physicians
was, after healing a person, He told them to go
show themselves to physician for verification;
possibly because they would believe them and
not be doubtful.
Homeopaths, Naturopaths, Allopaths still
lead to the grave, no matter which 'path' is
taken. Like the woman who "spent all she
had and was none the better but rather grew
worse". Mark 5:25, 26; Luke 8:43

Luke, a physician, didn't speak of this woman
having suffered many things of the medical
world and being rather worse than better as a
result of their help. He did mention that she
had spent all she had on them.
Hezekiah prayed and received God's promise
of healing. Isaiah told him to place a poultice
of figs on the boil, but it didn't have any heal-
ing value.

It was a test of Hezekiah's obedience, the
same as Naaman was to dip seven times in
the Jordan.

Any means ever used in the Bible had no
healing virtue whatever, but were used as
a test of faith and obedience.
In the New Testament, under God, we are free
to eat what we want. And as long as we eat and
drink to His glory, He allows us to choose.

He desires that we eat a variety of foods for the
fact that He had provided so many different
kinds with each having a value and elements in
them for our health.
This is only part of a much larger question.

What is the position of the Word of God for
man-made methods of healing?

The use of the word 'wine' in this verse is
alway interpreted as alcoholic drink, but it
appears more like Paul was advising Timothy
on diet. That not just water only with his meals
would help digestion but to drink juices as well.
"Drink no longer water, but use a little wine
for thy stomach's sake and thine often
infirmities." 1 Timothy 5:23

It is amazing how many people can quote
this verse. Yes, Paul told Timothy to use a
little wine for his stomach's sake, but not to
use it until it destroys the stomach and all
the other organs in the body.
Let us look up into His face and
praise Him for the wonderful
cure that He purchased for us!!
If the man with the 3 stage healing were to
testify today, many would say, "Is that the
kind of healing Jesus does? Why didn't he
heal him all at once while He is doing it?"

But would that be Jesus's fault? It wouldn't
be His fault if we weren't perfectly healed.

If you are in the second stage, don't quit!
Move on to the third. Jesus made him look
up (verse 25); that look brought his sight.

The scriptural answer to healing shows that
symptoms did not alway disappear immediately,
even when Jesus ministered to the people.

The nobleman's son in John 4 "began to amend,"
improve, get better, convalesce, at the seventh
hour, when the fever left.

The healing of the blind man at Bethsaids, in
Mark 8, was not only gradual but in three stages.
So we may experience similar types of healing
depending on our knowledge and faith.
"I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise
shall continually be in my mouth"
Psalm 34:1

Psalms is the book of praise inspired by the
Holy Spirit.

Psalm 103 "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and
all that is within me, bless His holy name."

He forgives all our iniquities and HEALS
all our diseases. . . .
The 'PRAISE CURE' works every time. It is
pleasant, even delightful; the cost has been
met by another, and it is available all the time
to everyone.

Only believe what God says that Jesus has
done for us body, soul and spirit. Think
about it, talk about it, sing about it, shout
about it, and it will work .

It is not to be taken once in a while or
once a year but at all times.