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This is supernatural joy. . . . .

"the joy of the Lord is our strength" spiritually,
mentally, and physically.
Nehemiah 8:10

If we are not joyful and happy, we cannot be
physically sound and healthy.

"The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace,
and joy in the Holy Spirit." Romans 14:10
It does not depend on circumstances.
We are commanded to be joyful!

And a part of the failure to obey this is our
being laid open to the enemies attacks to
our bodies, souls and spirits.

" Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom,
though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye
rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:"
I Peter 1:8

Believe and you will rejoice; rejoice and you
will believe!
We are commanded to be joyful!

Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord alway:
and again I say, Rejoice."

Even human joy is a great stimulent and
if used long enough turns into great
spiritual joy. It is medicine to the soul and
the body!
We must 'walk on the water', not look for
improvements in our symptoms. We must
stop that!!

God's Word is absolutely true and our heal-
ings are supernatural. It doesn't matter how
we feel. We must look to Jesus 'the author
and finisher of our faith'.
Jesus told Peter to come, He always says
'Come', never 'Go'.

Peter stepped out and started walking but
then began to sink. Why? He saw the wind
and the waves and became afraid.

He had no business seeing the storm because
he should have been looking at Jesus. We
have no business looking at the problems.
There is a difference between faith and

Faith must have the Word of God under
its feet....whereas....

Fanaticism is ready to go by feelings and
What a lesson Peter gives us walking on the
water. Many things made this test very hard.

the darkness of the night....
the violence of the storm....
the frailty of the boat....
the weirdness of the hour....
the absence of Jesus....

When He did come it was in an unfamiliar way.
But when He spoke, they knew his voice, like
we must know His word.
Just imagine how Job felt. He may have
had leprosy. We know that his flesh was
rotting off, his sleep was tormented with
awful visions. But what did he believe?
Or know? "I know that my redeemer liveth"

What's feeling compared to knowing? We
do not care what we feel when we know!

We know "I am the Lord that healeth thee"
"Christ has redeemed us from the curse of
the law" "God sent His Word (Jesus) and
healed them all".
When we let symptoms and our feeling make
us doubt that we were healed [past tense] by
the stripes that Jesus bore for us, we turn off
the healing power.
"He sent His Word and healed them"
Psalm 107:20

The only way to take this medicine is to
believe it no matter how we feel.

"Thy Word is truth" John 17:17
The breaking of Jesus' body provided perfect
soundness for our bodies. Acts 3:16

"By His stripes ye were healed" I Peter 2:24

Because He bore those stripes for our healings,
there isn't power in hell or on earth that can
put disease on us or hold it there. We are free!
But we have to believe God's Word.
Healing is a part of our salvation!

Jesus' blood was shed on the cross to atone
for the whole human race and provide
perfect cleansing of sin for every guilty soul.

". . .that he by the grace of God should taste
death for every man.. . ." Hebrews 2:9
In the Bible we find that we are saved because
of Calvary.

We are not saved because we feel good, but
because the Lord Jesus bore our sins in His
own body on the cross.

If we believe the Word then our feelings will
fall in line.
Fear not, for I have redeemed thee. . . .
There was a difference between Israel and
the Egyptians.

The blood of the Passover Lamb was shed
and place over the homes of the Israelites.
The Egyptians didn't have that protection.

The blood is still ours and our protection.
"They overcame him [Satan] by the blood
of the Lamb, and by the word of their
testimony" Revelation 12:11