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Now if you desire to be healed and are not
healed, there has to be a change. And that
change must be with you because God never
changes. He is the Lord that healeth "all thy

If you will humble yearself before Him and
pray believingly, He will reveal to you just
what the needed change is. More than that,
He will enable you to make it.

"For it is God which worketh in you both to
will and to do of His good pleasure"
Philippians 2:13
God cannot change!

He is the same today and says the same
words of power. He proclaims the fulfill-
ment of the words of the prophet spoken
hundreds of years ago.
"I am the Lord, I change not" Malachi 3:6
God says that the sick ought to be healed.
He was so determined to heal them that He
let Jesus endure such awful cruelty that His
body lost almost all recognition of humanity.
(Isaiah 52:14)

By His broken body, He provided perfect
soundness for every human being born into
this world.

God did His part for us; now we have to do
our part in order to receive our inheritance
by faith.
A "spirit of infirmity" is of Satan; it saps the
power out of muscles, nerves and tendons
so that they cannot support the body in its
normal posture.

But when Jesus was in the temple and saw
a woman who was bowed over with a spirit
of infirmity fourteen years; He called her
over and said to her, "Woman, thou art
loosed from thine infirmity. And He laid his
hands on her; and immediately she was
made straight, and glorified God."

This infirmity had to loosed or cast off the
woman's body and we must believe the same.
The father asking for healing of his son, in
the book of John, was a gradual manifest-

There is such a thing as a gradual faith. It
began when Jesus spoke the Word. The
boy began to 'amend' or improve.

Remember that the unchanging law is:
"As thou hast believed, so be it done unto
thee" Matthew 8:13
Distance was no obstacle to Jesus then, and
it is not an obstacle to Him now. He healed
a child by His word, in spite of the distance.
He will do the same of anyone who will trust

Man has done away with distance by all the
inventions regarding travel, communications,
etc. We can be sure that distance is no barrier
to the workings of God to fulfill His Word.
When Jesus started His miracles in Cana
with the water into wine, His mother had
said, "Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it."

That is faith. If He tells you to walk when
you can't, step out; or to speak when you
have no voice, open your mouth wide; or to
believe when you are not conscious of an
ounce of faith, do it; or to sing His praises
when you feel like crying; "I will bless Thee,
oh Lord. . . .I will bless thy name forever
and ever!" That is faith.
Only God can give us our daily bread. We
may have it in the bank, in our hands, in
our mouths, in our stomachs, or in our
blood even, but only God can give it to us.

This He does by making His Word health
to all our flesh, including every gland and

"Give us this day our daily bread," is not a
petition for food only but for life. It is a
prayer for perfect health put in our mouths
by the Lord Jesus Himself.
Peter, when he went from town to town, had
come to a place called Lydda. He found a man
who had been paralysed for eight years.
"And Peter said unto him, Aeneas, Jesus Christ
maketh thee whole: arise, and make thy bed.
And he arose immediately. And all that dwelt
at Lydda and Saron saw him, and turned to
the Lord." Acts 9:32-35

This is a case of chronic disease which was in
the age of the Holy Spirit, after Jesus ascended.

We have no right being one half or even three
quarters whole. We are not justified in being

Whether acute or chronic, "He healeth all thy
diseases" !

Whenever temptations, physical sufferings
and weaknesses, or financial disasters are
ours, we must ask ourselves: "Is Jesus with
us?" and next "Is He Lord of all?" If so, the
Holy Spirit and the Word says that we are
safe in Him and God will take care of us!

He must in order to be true to His Word in
which He has magnified above His Name.
It is clearly revealed that Jesus has redeemed
us from the curse of the law, including every
sickness and disease that afflicts mankind.

This truth belongs to us, and our children, and
we are responsible before God for the use that
we make of it. Anything to the opposite of it
is not of God.
If you have been threatened with alarming
symptoms in your body, have no fear!

Turn to God, repent if needed and look by
faith to the Lord Jesus. Then rest securely
in the knowledge that Satan cannot put
disease (part of the curse) upon you.
Satan comes with all his power and exhausts
his resources to curse us with devouring
disease; but when we look in simple faith to
the One who was made a curse for us, the
enemy is defeated.

He cannot curse whom God has not cursed;
his efforts to do so only results in increased
blessing for us.
God is not a man, that he should

neither the son of man, that he
should repent:

hath he said,
and shall he not do it?

or hath he spoken, and shall he
not make it good?
Numbers 23:19
He Himself took and bore,

not once but for always.

He is always lifting us


bearing us!
Himself is our medicine, and He never fails.

He is the healing and the health. Healing
cannot be had apart from Him. He is the
life of our bodies as well as of our spirits. It
is all rolled up in Him and we have to receive
Him in all His fullness to get the healing in
its perfection.

He abides in us by the Holy Spirit!
It was He Himself who took our infirmities
and bore our sicknesses. Not Himself and
physicians; not Himself and surgeons.

When it tells us in Hebrews 1:3 that "He, . . .
by himself purged our sins," we would not
dare to add one speck of human effort to
that sacrifice. There is nothing that can be

When the Bible tells us that He Himself forever
fulfilled and finished our healing what could
ever be added to it?