God says, "He that dwelleth in the secret
place of the Most High. . . . with long life
will I satisfy him." Psalms 91

Dwelling in the secrets place is a privilege
for all, not just some. God's promises are
for all.

God would have to break His promise to
be unwilling to heal His children. If all of
these promises were for everyone in the
previous age, how much better it should
be for the age of grace, during which "He
is able to make all grace abound" towards
each of His children.
In Psalms 103, David believed that both for-
giveness and healing were blessings from

He told his soul to bless God, "Bless the
Lord, O my soul: and all that is within
me, bless his holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not
all his benefits:
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities;
who healeth all thy diseases;
Who redeemeth thy life from destruction,
who crowneth thee with lovingkindness
and tender mercies; . . . ." Psalms 103:1-4
In the New Testament, when the sick was
seeking healing, asked 'mercy' from Jesus.

God's mercy covers man's body as well as
his soul.

So Jesus, according to the Old Testament
promise, showed that He was "plenteous
in mercy", by healing all who came to Him.
David, in his time, understood healing to a
world-wide privilege.

He said, "For thou, Lord, art good. . . plent-
eous in mercy unto all them that call upon

Healing was one of the most prominent of
mercies throughout the Word.
The health of the nation of Israel stayed as
long as they stayed in obedience to God.

But years later when they sinned, a plague
killed many thousands. When they returned
to God and obeyed, they were healed. He
was Jehovah-Rapha, the Healer, not just to
some, but to all!
The blessings revealed by God's Redemptive
names, were provided by the Atonement,
when He "tasted death for every man," and
so cannot be confind to Isael.

The 15th Chapter of Exodus shows us that
at that time, God didn't leave the people in
doubt concerning His willingness to heal all.
Exodus Chapter 15 is where God revealed His
covenant of healing, by giving His Redemptive
name 'Jehovah-Rapha' "I am the Lord that
healeth thee."

This is God's word "settled in heaven" a never
changing fact.

Jesus never gave up His healing ministry, "He
is the same yesterday, today and forever,"
Hebrews 13:8
There is nothing more clearly taught in the
Word of God, than that it is His will for all
to be saved and all to be healed.

But we must be taught and convinced that
it is His will to do so or it can not be received.
If we know God's will then we can believe
He will save us and believe He will heal us.

But if we do not know what God's will is,
then it is impossible to receive either one.

So before we can receive anything from God
we have to know if it is His will and we find
that in the Word of God. His Word is His
A sinner cannot believe for salvation until
he is convinced that God will save him.

A person cannot believe for healing of the
body until he is conviced that God will
heal him.
The biggest obstacle to believing for healing
of the body today is: 'Is it the will of God to
heal all?' It is known that God does heal some,
but will He still heal all?

The Bible is clear that healing is for all. But if
it is not believed or claimed, it cannot be re-
Isaiah begins Chapter 53 with the question
"who hath believed our report, and to whom
is the arm of the Lord revealed?" The report
tells that He bore our sins and sicknesses.

The answer to the question is, only those who
have heard the report could believe it, because
"faith cometh by hearing."
A living Church is one in which the living
Jesus lives and walks, doing through its
members what He did in the days of His

It must be a healing Church as much as it
is a soul-saving Church.
He who forfeits the healing power

of Jesus and believes it was for the

times of the New Testament only

is not preaching the whole Gospel.
The healing of the body is a great part of the
Gospel, and must be taught and practiced.

God wills our health, that the Church, the
Body of Christ has the same commission and
the same power as those that preach.

The world must have the full Gospel.
We have the same reason to believe that the
body shall be delivered from sickness that we
have that the soul shall be delivered from sin.

Healing is not a separate issue like some of
them have made it. It is part of the Gospel,
equal with salvation.
Individual believers, not just pastors and elders
have the duty to "pray one for another" ; and they
are to "lay hands on the sick and they shall re-
cover" with the belief that God has commanded us
to do so.
If the Atonement is true,

and it is because the Bible says
so, then we are just as healed as
we are saved!
"He healed them all." is the best
proof that healing was in the Atonement.

Our future is both spiritual and physical.
His redemption has to be both spiritual
and physical.
"ye are not under the law, but
under grace"
Romans 6:14

If we are not under the law, then
we shouldn't be under its curse!
Redemption and the Cross are the same.
We are redeemed from the entire curse,
body, soul and spirit, through His atonement.

Since disease is a part of the curse, how could
He take away this part of the curse by healing
the sick without redeeming us from it?
Every form of sickness and disease known
to man was included in salvation; and many
of them even mentioned in the "Curse of the
law," Deuteronomy 28:15-62

In Galatians 3:13, there is a statement that
"Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of
the law, being made a curse for us, for it is
written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on
the tree."

How much plainer can it be than that Jesus,
Who was born under the law to redeem us,
bore its curse, and so then He did redeem us
from sickness and disease.
Jesus went to the cross, spirit,
soul and body, to redeem man,
spirit, soul and body.

Therefore, the Cross is the center
of the plan of salvation for man,
spirit, soul and body!
"He was made sin for us Who knew no sin"
Jesus didn't have any sin.

Also, He hath made Him sick for us who knew
no sickness. He never was sick.

"Who His own self bore our sins in His own
body on the tree" (the cross). "Surely our
sicknesses He hath borne, and our pains, He
hath carried them."
Jesus' healing power has been at work at all
times since the world began. . . . .

Jesus Christ,
the same yesterday,
today and forever!
Hebrews 13:8
So Jesus bore our sins and sicknesses on the

Sin and sickness have passed from us to the
cross; and salvation and health have passed
from the cross to us!
Isaiah 53:4 cannot refer to disease of the soul.
Neither of the words translated "sickness" and
"pain" are applied to the spiritual but to the

This is proven by Matthew 8:16-17, ". . . .and
He cast out the spirits with His word, and healed
all that were sick; that it might be fulfilled which
was spoken by Esaias, the Prophet, saying,
Himself took our infirmities, and bare our
There are two words in the Hebrew that have
been translated incorrectly as "griefs" and

Everyone that has examined the original text
have found, what is everywhere acknowledged,
that these two words mean "sicknesses" and