Jesus commanded "any sick" in the Church,
while He is with the Father, to ask for anoint-
ing and prayer with the promise "the Lord
shall raise him up" James 5:14

We can only "pray the prayer of faith" when
we know it is His will to heal; because He doesn't
command us to pray for something He will not
In Leviticus it is recorded that all disease
was healed on the ground of Atonement,
so Matthew tells us that the Atonement
was Jesus' reason for making no exceptions
in healing the sick who came to Him.
The Gospel that Jesus commanded to be
preached was TO:
"all the world"
"all nations"
"every creature"
Throughout "all the days"
Even unto the end of the present age."

This commission is followed by the promise
"they shall lay hands on the sick and they
shall recover."
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that
believeth on Me, the works that I do shall
he do also; and greater works than these
shall ye do, because I go unto My Father.
And whatsoever ye shall as in My name
that will I do that the Father may be
glorified in the Son." John 14:12-13

In Acts 28:9, thirty years later, after He
had gone to be with the Father, "All the
other sick people in the island came and
were healed."
Jesus' redemptive name Jehovah-Rapha
reveals His present attitude regarding our

All His redemptive names are a revelation
of His present attitude concerning His
blessings of each one.
It was the Holy Spirit Who worked all the
miracles of healing by Jesus. Jesus never
performed a miracle until the Holy Spirit,
came upon Him, and then depending com-
pletely on Him, Jesus cast out devils and
healed the sick.

So the Holy Spirit was doing it all along, even
before Jesus left and then sent Him back to
continue after going away.
The Holy Spirit whom Jesus sent took control
of the Church, which is the Body of Christ,
and showed the same healing power that Jesus
had shown before and multitudes were healed.

Nobody ever asked for healing and was turned
away or rejected. The Holy Spirit acted and
healed through others besides the disciples.

The book of Acts shows how He wants to act
throughout "all the days, even unto the end of
the age."
Even thirty years after Jesus was gone, Paul
healed the father of Publius, "all the other
sick peope in the island (of Melita) came, and
were healed."

In the last chapter of Acts it was still the will
of God to heal all.
The church in Acts believed Jesus' words
and prayed together for sign and wonders
of healing, until "the place was shaken
where they were assembled together,"
and then "they brought forth the sick into
the streets and laid them on beds and
couches. . . .There came also a multitude
out of the cities round about Jerusalem,
bringing sick folks, and they which were
vexed with unclean spirits, and they were
healed every one."

He continued here from the right hand of
the Father through His Body, the Church,
just as He promised.
After three years of healing all that came to
Him, Jesus said, "It is expedient for you that
I go away."

He promised to continue the same and greater
works by answering our prayers after He was

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth
on Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and
greater works than these shall he do, because I
go unto My Father, and whatsoever ye ask the
Father in My name that will I do, that the Father
may be glorified in the Son" John 14:12-13

The Bible makes it plain that Jesus' ministry
only began to do and to teach what He
wanted to continue through the disciples
and us after He went to be with the Father.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that
believeth on me, the works that I do shall
he do also; and greater works than these
shall he do; because I go unto my Father."
John 14:12
"Great multitudes followed Him, and He
healed them all, and charged them that
they should not make Him known."
Matthew 12:15-16

He didn't do it make Himself known.
Jesus didn't perform miracles of healing to
prove He was God. The miracles did prove
that but it isn't why He did them.

He wouldn't have had to heal all that came
to Him to prove that. Just a few outstanding
cases would have done it.

He did it because of His compassion for the
people and to fulfill prophecy.
Peter described Jesus' ministry by saying,
"God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the
Holy Ghost and with Power, Who went
about doing good, and healing all that
were oppressed of the devil, for God was
with Him" Acts 10:38

So we have God's will for our bodies.
By healing the epileptic in Mark 9:14-29,
Jesus proves that it is the Father's will to
heal the one that the disciples failed to

It would have been wrong to question and
to teach the unwillingness of God by the
disciples failure.

Jesus, by healing him, showed them that
the failure was because by unbelief, had
nothing to do with the Father's will.
"And a great multitude of the people out of
all Judea and Jerusalem, and from the coast
of Tyre and Sidon, which came to hear Him,
and to be healed of their diseases and they
that were vexed with unclean spirits, and
they were healed, and the whole multitude
sought to touch Him for there went virtue
out of Him, and healed them all"
Luke 6"17-19

We can see in the Gospels that with their
bringing the sick to Jesus for healing, it was
said over and over, that they brought them
and He healed them all!
"And Jesus went forth and saw a great
multitude, and was moved with compas-
sion toward them, and healed their sick"Font size
Matthew 14:14

"And when they were gone over they came
into the land of Gennesaret, and when the
men of that place had knowledge of Him
they sent out into all that country round
about, and brought unto Him all that were
diseased; and besought Him that they might
only touch the hem of His garment, and as
many as touched were made perfectly whole"
Matthew 14:34-36
"But when Jesus knew it, He withdrew
Himself from thence, and great multitudes
followed Him, and He healed them all"
Matthew 12:15

It was the crowds of people that made it
necessary for Jesus to send laborers into
the harvest to preach and to heal. Then
it wasn't long when more were needed and
He sent the seventy out also.
"And Jesus went about all the cities and
villages teaching. . . .and preaching the
Gospel. . . and healing every sickness and
every disease among the people. But when
He saw the multitudes He was moved with
compassion on them. . . And when He had
called unto Him His twelve disciples He
gave them power against unclean spirits
to cast them out and to heal all manner of
sickness and all manner of disease"
Matthew 9:35 to Matthew 10:1
"And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching
and preaching the Gospel. . .and healing all
manner of sickness, and all manner of disease
among the people. And His fame went through
out all Syria; and they brought unto Him all
sick people that were taken with divers diseases
and torments, and those which were possessed
with devils, and those which were lunatic, and
those that had the palsy; and He healed them
all. . . And there followed Him great multitudes
of people from Galilee, and from Decapolis,
and from Jerusalem, and from Judea, and
from beyond Jordan" Matthew 4:23-25
On every occasion up to today and on, He
heals the sick "that it might be fulfilled which
was spoken by Esaias, the Prophet, saying,
Himself took our infirmities and bare our

In the Gospels, the all's and every's received
the blessing of healing. No one ever went to
Jesus for healing without receiving. There
was not one time that Jesus left someone un-
Jesus made no exceptions. "He healed them
all, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken
by Esaias, the prophet, saying, Himself took
our infirmities and bare our sicknesses."

'Our' means everybody and it requires the
healing of everybody to fulfill the prophecy.
"Now, when the sun was setting, all they
that had any sick with divers diseases,
brought them unto Him; and He laid His
hands on every one of them and healed
them" Luke 4:40

Here the unlucky ones, if there were any,
were brought and all healed the same as
the others. It was God doing His own will.
The only way there can be faith for healing,
is for there to be a promise of healing from
God in the Bible (which is his will).

"He sendeth is Word and healeth them and
delivered them from their destructions"
Psalms 107:20

". . . .the word of God which effectually
worketh " in them that believe, and is "health
to all their flesh." 1 Thessalonians 2:12 and
Proverbs 4:22
We don't have to wait for a revelation from
the Spirit of God when we pray for the sick,
because His will has already been
revealed in His Word!
The Church, even today, doesn't have to
wonder if someone is to recover after having
hands laid on them and having been prayed
for. The Bible has revealed that will very

Those who teach otherwise, do not know the
word nor the will of our Father God.
When Jesus healed the many sick who came
to Him every day, He was showing the will
of the Father to them and us.

He laid His hands on every one of them and
healed them. He was doing and showing the
will of God for our bodies.

Jesus' healing of the sick was a revelation of
God's will for all and at all times.
By reading the Gospels, we see a record of the
works and teachings of Jesus, who was and
did the will of the Father.

His life was the unchanging will of God! He
actually did the will of God on the earth.

He said, "I came down from heaven, not to
do my will, but the will of Him that sent me,"
and "the Father that dwelleth in Me, He doeth
the works." and "He that hath seen Me hath
seen the Father,"
It was God's will to heal all who came to Him
in faith believing.

Wherever forgiveness is offered so is healing.

He who "hath reserved better things for us"
and Who is "the same yesterday, today and
forever" must offer the same mercy that He
did in the Old Testament.
We have seen, in Esaiah Chapter 53, that
our sicknesses as well as our sins were bore
by Jesus, making it one common privilege.

What Jesus did for individuals who came to
Him for blessings were for them. But what
He did on the cross was for all!

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