Our nature is ruled by what we see, or by
our senses.

Faith is ruled by the Word of God. It is
expecting God to do what He says He will
do or what He has promised.
We are to expect what God has promised
when we pray, and it will cause us to act
our faith before we see the healing; because
the healing comes when we move in faith.
Jesus said that it was profitable (expedient)
(better) for us that He go away because He
has more to give being at the right hand of
the Father.

The Spirit came to reveal Jesus as He could
not be revealed before He went away.
The Holy Spirit is the miracle-worker now!
He hadn't been sent until after Jesus left.

He came to do the works of Jesus for us and
through us. Even greater works can be done
now since He went to be with the Father
because more can be received by His touch.
As the sick touched Jesus and were made
whole when He was here on earth so we
can also touch Him with our faith, just as
they did.

An actual physical touch wasn't what did
the healing. It was the faith that believed
that He would heal them if they touched
It is still true that as many as touch Him are
made whole. We touch him by believing His
promise. This is the only way of touching Him
for anything He has promised.

We touch Him by asking, and believing He
hears our prayers when we pray.
The Holy Spirit, Who is sent to carry out
the blessings, is our helper, and ready to
help us press through and beyond all of
the obstacles to the place where we can
touch Him with our needs.

God is waiting to pour out the Holy Spirit
in fullness upon us, who has come to us
as the one to carry out for us all the bless-
ing provided for us on the cross.
We can not look at God's promises and our
symptoms at the same time. Our faith will
grow strong while we look at the promises
of God.

Many reverse this and their faith grows weak
while they look at the symptoms and not the

Since God healed by sending His Word, which
is the only basis of faith, we will miss healing
if we allow our symptoms to get in the way of
our expecting what His Word promises.
Healing along with salvation is the Good
News that God wants preached to every
creature, so that they can have the joy of
"the fulness of the blessing of the Gospel
of Christ."
Jehovah-Rapha means, "I am the Lord that
healeth thee,"
or, "I am the Lord thy Physician."
This is in the Atonement: for "Himself took
our infirmities and bare our sicknesses."

It is under this name that He "is the same
yesterday, today, and forever."
Justification by faith can not be found for
anyone until it is preached to them.

Healing can not be found for anyone until
it is preached to them.

It is the Word of God which is able to make
men wise unto salvation. We have to see
that the Creator and Redeemer of the body
is also its healer before having a reason to
expect healing.
Our faith for healing comes by hearing God's
word (His promise) to do so.

We cannot have faith for healing or salvation,
or any other blessing, until that faith come by
hearing the Word (promise) to do it.
God's way of saving the soul, of healing the
body, and of doing everything else He wants
to do, is to send His Word, His promise, and
then keep the promise wherever it produces

The method in healing is told in His words,
"He sendeth His Word and healeth them,
and delivereth them from their graves"
Psalms 107:20

It is "the Word of God which effectually
worketh" in them that believe, and is
"health to all their flesh" 1 Thessalonians
2:12 and Proverbs 4:22
"Himself took our infirmities," since it is
"our" infirmities He bore (took), it requires
the healing of all to fulfil His word.
Matthew 8:17 definitely says that Jesus
healed all diseases on the ground of the

This verse shows us that Jesus' reason
for making no exceptions while healing
the sick who surrounded Him was His
Atonement, which He made for all man-
kind. We are all included.
The doctrine of both salvation and healing
through the Atonement of Christ, is the
most taught, than any other doctrine, in all
the Word of God.

It is His will to take away all sicknesses and
diseases and to fulfil the number of our days
according to His promise. (Exodus 23:25)