When we pray is when we are to believe
that we have received what we have prayed
for and that it is done.
To receive what we ask God for, we have to
believe that He answers our prayers when
we pray; and then we shall recover just as
He has promised.
God has already given us our healings, we
just have to learn how to receive them so
they can manifest into our bodies.
Actually God healed us two thousand years
ago and has been waiting for us to receive
it just as we would receive forgiveness of a
sin that may come into our lives.
Seeing that Jesus took our diseases as well
as our sins, we need not bear them, but believe
we are healed just as we believe we are forgiven.
God wants to heal us more than we want to
be healed.

But it takes "faith that cometh by hearing
and hearing by the word of God" and then
acting on that word.
The Word of God is made life to our bodies
the same way that it is made life to our souls!
Faith is to receive God's promise of healing
as His message that is given right to us.

His promise in His Word is the same as if
He were to appear and say to each of us "I
have heard your prayer".
God cannot lie! Faith is rational. It is not
believing without evidence, but it's believ-
ing because of the highest possible
evidence which is God's Word. It is settled
in heaven.

Faith is being so sure of the truth of God
and His Word that we will act on it.
Faith means we are confident of what we
hope for, and convinced of what we do not
see. Hebrews 11:1
By being made whole instantly, there is
no need for the gifts of healing because
they would all be miracles.

Many miss healing by limiting God just
to miracles. He promised that "they shall
recover" not that it will be instantly.
There is a difference in the "gifts of healing"
and the "gifts of miracles". Even when Jesus
couldn't do any mighty works (miracles) like
in Nazareth because of their unbelief; He still
was able to heal a few that were sick.
Even when acting our faith, symptoms may
not disappear instantly.

The nobleman believed the word that Jesus
spoke but his son only "began to amend."
Instead of listening to Satan by watching
symptoms, we have to work together with
God, Who heals by sending His Word and
keeping it!

We work together with Him by being busy
with what the Word says about healing and
not what the Devil say.
Any symptom that causes doubting that
"God is plenteous in mercy to all that call
upon Him" should think of them as "lying

Jonah said, "They that observe lying vanities
forsake their own mercy."
We must act with nothing but the Word of
God as our reason for expecting the thing
He has promised us.
In every case of faith, assurance is produced
by the promise of God and acted upon before
there is anything visible to encourage the

Faith looks "at the things unseen, not at the
things seen."
Real faith always has corresponding action!

Whether the action is movement of some
kind or praise and worship; faith will have
a response to a prayer for healing.
Faith shouts the walls down, it doesn't wait
for them the fall first. It doesn't go by sight,
because it is the evdence of things not seen
but promised.

What we see, hear or feel can deceive us,
but God's Word won't. Faith depends on
the Word not the senses.
Faith never has to see to believe. It "cometh
by hearing" about "things not yet seen," and
"is the evidence of things not see."

All that faith needs is to know that God has
spoken and that it is written.

"Thus saith the Lord"