Faith is what we have before we are healed.

"They shall praise the Lord that seek Him."
"Thou shalt call thy walls salvation, and thy
gates praise."

We are up against a solid wall with no gate,
when we are not praising; but when we
get into praising Him, we make our own
gate and enter the promise.
"Let us come before His presence with
thanksgiving" means to come before Him
with thanksgiving before we are healed,
not after we are healed.

Although He loves our thanksgiving and
praise afterwards and at all times. Just
don't wait to be healed before giving Him
thanksgiving and praise for it.
"Offer unto God thanksgiving and pay thy
vows unto the Most High, and call upon Me
in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and
thou shalt glorify Me." Psalm 50:14

Here we are required to offer thanksgiving
while we are still in trouble.
Another way of acting our faith is by praising
and giving thanks to God for what we are
praying for, before we see it.

Hebrews 15:15 tells us that our thank offering,
a "sacrifice of praise", is to be offered expecting
God's promise to be manifested.
Being steadfast "believing that ye received"
(Mark 11:24) the answer and acting on faith,
brings healing, although not always instantly.

God has already done all He is going to do
to heal us, by taking our sicknesses and
diseases and placing them on Jesus. It is
up to us to believe we receive to get them
activated in our bodies.
God's Word never fails to work in those who
accept it, because they are not doubting it
to be fulfilled.

God has given all his blessings to Faith, He
will not give them to unbelief.
1 Thessalonians 2:13 says, "The Word of
God which effectually worketh also in you
that believe."

When His Word convinces us that our
prayer is answered, before we have seen it,
the Word begins to effectually work in us.
Just like the woman who touched the hem
of Jesus' garment, the act of faith, then the
fact of His Word and then the feeling of His
healing power is the way God heals and He
doesn't depart from it.

If we do not follow His order, faith, fact nor
feeling will be as we desire because they will
not be as God desires.
The act of believing and receiving Jesus
according to John 1:12, is the same as the
act of God which gives us, by His power,
the new birth.

By this same process we get healing for
our bodies.
To receive the written words of God as the
direct message for us is faith.

This is the way the Word of God becomes
life to us, both in our healing and in our
Jesus said, "The words that I speak unto
you they are Spirit and they are life."

John says, "The Word is God."
When God's Word is our reason for our
believing that our prayer is answered,
before we see or feel it, that is faith!
When we ask for healing, were are to say
with faith, "I thank thee, Father, that Thou
hast heard me," before we have seen the
answer to our prayer.