As a joint-heir with Jesus Christ, we have a
covenant right to receive healing and walk
in divine health.

We receive our inheritance of healing by
faith. Healing belongs to us!
We have to get the revelation in our hearts
that as God's child, healing is our "Bread".
When a believer begs for healing, God hasn't
the slightest idea why.

God says, "Child, healing belongs to you; it's
yours. When you accepted Jesus, He became
your healer. You don't have to beg."
Healing belongs to us. It's part of our
redemption, our covenant, our spiritual

It belongs to us as blood-bought, new
creatures in Christ.
God doesn't want His
children begging for
what already belongs
to them.

To the woman of
Canaan who begged
Him to heal her
daughter, Jesus said,
"It is not meet to take
the children's bread,
and to cast it to dogs"
Matthew 15:26

So according to Jesus, healing is the child-
ren's bread.
"And this is the confidence that we have in
him, that, if we ask any thing according to
his will, he heareth us:
And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever
we ask, we know that we have the petitions
that we desired of him."
1 John 5:14-15

We have to be confident that God is willing
to heal us; and that He hears us and gives
us the petition of healing that we desire.
God wants us to come boldly to the throne
of grace to receive the healing we need.

Hebrews 4:16 "Let us therefore come boldly
unto the throne of grace, that we may
obtain mercy, and find grace to help in
time of need."

Faith has to have a foundation.

In order to confidently receive what Jesus
purchased and provided for us, we must
know it is our Father's desire to give it to
Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed for a
lack of knowledge.

"'Destroyed' is literally translated 'cut off";
so His people are cut off from His blessings
for a lack of knowledge.
Physical healing is a great need in the body of

The greatest hindrance is not knowing that
God is not only able but willing to heal.
Jesus took our infirmities and bore our

We believe He's able and willing to heal
us; even right now we can receive our
healing by faith.
"That it might be fulfilled which was spoken
by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took
our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses."
Matthew 8:17

The Bible says Jesus healed in order to fulfill
the Scriptures.

Every time He healed the multitudes, He
proved one more time that God's will is
healing is for all.
For Jesus to heal anyone it had to be God's
will because Jesus only did what He saw
His Father do. John 5:19
Our faith will never operate beyond our
knowledge of God's will.

So we need to get rid of wrong thinking.
We need to study God's Word until we
know it's His will to heal everyone.

Then we take God at His Word to receive
our healing.
The Lord is smart and powerful enough to
design our bodies; He surely can fix it when
something goes wrong.

Our God is the Creator of the universe who
upholds all things by the Word of His power.

He is the same God who's able and willing
to heal us.
Jesus said, "Ask, and ye shall receive, that
your joy may be full."

We know forgiveness, healing, prosperity,
protection, safety, etc. He doesn't want us
to be sick, broke, harmed etc, that is all the
enemies wants for us.

Whatever we have need of, we can ask and
receive that our joy may be full.
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever
ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will
give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing
in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that
your joy may be full.
John 16:23-24

This verse is one way we can know that our
Father in heaven wants to heal us. He wants
to answer our prayers.

Out of all the things we can ask for in prayer,
Jesus never excluded healing.
What if it is our will to be healed. That's
good news because it's God's will for us
to be healed.

If healing is what we will, and it's what
God wills; then we can be sure it shall be
done for us!
We must choose to know and accept God's
Word as His will, which is healing belongs
to us.

We can't let doubt and unbelief keep us from
having and receiving from God.
Jesus never changes, and the Father never

Healing was His will then, and healing is
His will for us now.

When Jesus came to
Peter's house, He
didn't have to stop,
fast and prayer, to
see what the Father
wanted Him to do.

He knew God's will
is healing for all.

It had to be God's will
for Peter's mother-in-law to be healed
and healthy.
We can also know that by studying the
Jesus revealed to us the Father's desire to
heal His people.

That means our Father heals us when we
come to Him in faith.
The truth is God wants to heal us. We've
found it in the Word, so we know it's His

We must believe and receive our healing!
Jesus healed everyone who came to Him in

Hebrews 13:8 says Jesus is the same yester-
day, today and forever. So we must come to
Him in faith, knowing He will heal us like
He healed those in the Gospels.
God has given us several ways to receive our

According to His Word, one is when we ask
the elders of the church to anoint us with oil
and pray.

The prayer of faith will raise us up!
God's health, which is called divine health, is
His will for us even while we are here on earth.

We can walk and live in heath because Jesus
bore ALL our sicknesses and pains.

It is in Jesus Christ's name that we are healed!
We have to believe God is (exists and is real);
that He is alive, that He is powerful, and He
gives what He says is ours.

We have to live in line with His Word and
then we can receive all the benefits He has
provided for us.
Our Father wrote a will to tell us what His will
is for us.

It tells us what is ours and He sealed it with
Jesus' blood.

Healing is the other half of that inheritance,
and it belongs to us now as well as then!
Our God is the God who heals us and He gets
the glory from our being healthy.

Therefore, we are to walk in health and healing!
"If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you
ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done
unto you." John 15:7

We are to abide in the Father and His words
are to abide [stay] in us. We must choose to
believe His Word.

It says healing and health is ours because
Jesus took our sicknesses and carried our
pains 2000 years ago.
2011 365 days of healing