The same virtue that flowed out of Jesus to
heal the multitude heals us now as we hear
the Word and draw on His power.
We must hear and hear and hear the Word
of God and speak it out loud as well, until
we can receive it with our spirits.

Just as the healing virtue flowed out of
Jesus then; it will still flow out of Him [or
His Word] today by our faith.
When we need healing in our bodies, we
can draw on Jesus' miracle-working power
with our faith.

But first we need to hear what the Word of
God says.
Once the people heard Jesus preach the
Word of God, their faith rose up and they
released the healing power by their faith!
"For there went virtue out of him, and healed
them all."

The virtue, or power, of God flowed out of
Jesus to heal the multitudes when they came
in faith. And they did after they heard the
"And he came down with them, and stood
in the plain, and the company of his disciples,
and a great multitude of people out of all
Judaea and Jerusalem, and from the sea
coast of Tyre and Sidon, which came to
hear him, and to be healed of their diseases;
And they that were vexed with unclean

spirits: and they were healed.
And the whole multitude sought to touch

him: for there went virtue out of him, and
healed them all." Luke 6:17-19

During Jesus' ministry, people who wanted
their lives changed came to hear Him and
be healed.

Faith is the product, or the fruit, of our
knowledge of God's Word having moved
from our minds to our spirits.

When we put the Word in our spirits, faith
always happens.

The more we hear, the more we believe!
In Romans 10:10 Paul said, "For with the
heart man believeth."

Real faith is of the heart, inner man. We
can't believe with our heads.

It's when the Word of God lodges down
in our spirits, when the Word is mixed
with our believer, that faith comes out.
The best thing we can do if we need healing
in our bodies is to keep hearing and hearing
and hearing the Word of God

Hear it with our physical ears so many times
that we finally hear it with our spiritual ears.
"And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching
in their synagogues, and preaching the
gospel of the kingdom, and healing all
manner of sickness and all manner of
disease among the people."
Matthew 4:23

Notice in Jesus' ministry that teaching and
preaching came before healing.

There is a connection between hearing and
being healed.
We need to hear, believe and confess God's
Word; then it will produce health in our
physical bodies.

Faith is the product of hearing the Word.
Sometimes we fail to receive the benefits
of the Word, but the Word never fails.

The failure is on our part.

We have to get the Word down on the
inside of us. Then we will be able to receive
the healing that belongs to us.
There is a connection between hearing the
Word and being healed.

Many people are not being healed because
they are either not hearing the word at all
or they are not hearing enough.

"And they were all amazed at the mighty
power of God. But while they wondered
every one at all things which Jesus did,
he said unto his disciples,

Let these sayings sink down into your ears:
for the Son of man shall be delivered into
the hands of men."
Luke 9:44

We are to hear with our spiritual ears.

We need to take the time to hear God's
Word. We also need to feed our spirits
with God's promises of healing.

If we are faithful to hear and hear and
hear the Word, our faith will grow until
it rises up strong within us.

As we act on His Word, we receive all we
need to walk in health.
Many Christians aren't healed today because
they don't take the time to listen to the
Word of God.

They want someone to get them healed
so they can get on with life.

With that kind of attitude it's no wonder
they don't receive healing.
Jesus' teaching ministry was important.
His teaching of the Word is what caused
His healing ministry to operate.

Most people have to hear Him teach the
Word to get healed.

Luke 5:15 "Multitudes came together to
hear, and to be healed."

That means most people were healed by
hearing the Word and then receiving it
by their own faith.

Don't be like some who look at God's
promise of healing and say that they don't

believe it. It's like slapping Him in the face.
Really they are saying the Word might

say that Jesus shed His blood to purchase
their healing but their religious doctrine says

it isn't true. So they'll take their doctrine

Healing cannot be received with that kind
of attitude. It must come to the place where
doctrine doesn't matter.

To receive God's benefits, God's Word has
to be agreed with.
We are not pushing God to heal us. He chose
to do it. We're not forcing Him to do anything,
it is His idea. We are just accepting what He
has said He has done for us in His Word.

His Word says that He will meet all our needs
according to His riches in glory, that has to
include healing. We are healed by the stripes
of Jesus.

Healing is God's idea. He designed the plan
of redemption. He provided us with benefits
of salvation, healing and baptism of the Holy
Spirit, safety and protection and prosperity.

He gave us these benefits, not because of
we have done , but because of what He
has done through the death, burial and
resurrection of His Son.
We want what the Word says is ours and
nothing less.

We want God's best, and that includes healing
for our bodies.

By faith, we can reach out [believe] and take
[receive] the healing that is already ours.
Healing is a fact. As far as God is concerned,
His part is done.

He is waiting for us to do our part and that is
to believe it and receive it as ours.
"He sent his word, and healed them, and
delivered them from their destructions"
Psalm 107:20

"Who his own self bare our sins in his own
body on the tree, that we, being dead to
sins, should live unto righteousness: by
whose stripes ye WERE healed"
I Peter 2:24.

He didn't say we may be healed, or we will
be healed; He said 'ye were healed". He isn't
going to do it; it's already done!
God wanted us healed so much that He
didn't just promise to heal us; He sent His
Son to purchase our healing with His
broken body.

We aren't the sick, diseased or hurting that
are looking for healing. We are the healed
and the devil is trying to steal it from us!
Divine healing belongs to us.

We aren't waiting for God to heal us; God
is waiting for us to take the healing that He
has already given us.
We don't have to look ahead to what God
will do someday; we look back to what He
did 2000 years ago.

Healing is no longer a promise; it's a fact.

We are redeemed and set free! Sickness
and disease are no longer part of us.
If we want the healing God 'has already
provided', we have to take it.

We don't wait for God to heal us, we reach
out and take hold of what He's already done.

That isn't forcing God to do something, it
is saying, "Lord, You did it, I believe it, I
receive it."
"According as his divine power hath given
unto us ALL THINGS that pertain unto LIFE
and godliness, through the knowledge of
him that hath called us to glory and virtue."
2 Peter 1:3

Healing certainly pertains to 'life and godli-