Jesus would start teaching again, feeding them more Word to build their faith. Jesus understood when the truths He taught hadn't really registered in the people. He also knew the minute that the truth did register. It would produce healing and wholeness!
Jesus' minstry was teaching, preaching, and healing. If the people didn't get healed, He knew their faith wasn't getting ahold of the truths that he taught. God's Word hadn't yet registered on their hearts.
Jesus had been teaching and preaching all over the region where He grew up. But when He came to the part where He claimed God as healer, no one got it. So Jesus went back to traveling the area again teaching the Word even more.
We are to really make sure that we hear God's Word and build our faith to receive so Jesus can do a mighty work in us.
Jesus went to His home town equipped with signs, wonders and miracles, but only a few with minor illnesses got healed. That was great but Jesus went to do a lot more.
When Jesus was in His own town of Nazareth
the people in the synagogue listened to Him,
but they didn't hear Him.

They murmured and were offended, so His
words didn't produce faith there. "he [Jesus]
could there do no mighty work, save that he
laid hands upon a few sick folk, and healed

Because of the people's unbelief, Jesus of
Nazareth who was God manifested in the
flesh, anointed with the Holy Ghost and
power unlimited. . .could not do any mighty
Receiving from God can be easy when we
hear and hear and hear the Word until we
believe it in our hearts.

Then we speak the Word from our believing
spirit and release power to accomplish the
healing in our bodies.
Galatians 3:5, "He therefore that ministereth
to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles
among you, doeth he it by the works of the
law, or by the hearing of faith?"

The hearing of faith produces miracles.

We hear and then God works the miracles
after we hear. We have to hear first because
when we hear, faith rises up within us and
it is a spiritual force that releases God's
Paul asked, "Received ye the Spirit by the
works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?"

We know we didn't receive the Spirit because
of any works of the Law, so it's by the hearing
of faith.

When we hear the Word, it builds our faith to
It has been said that 99 percent of the
problems we have living by faith or receiving
from God result from a lack of knowledge.

If we are having trouble receiving from God,
we need to hear more of His Word to get more
All things are possible to us when we believe.

Whosoever shall call on the name of the
Lord shall be healed.

We hear, we call, we believe and we are
Matthew 21:22, "all things, whatsoever ye
shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall

Jesus said, "all things" we ask in prayer,
well healing is part of "all things" and is
possible to those who believe.

But we must believe to get God's healing
power into our bodies.
To receive the blessing of healing, we must

If we don't believe, either we won't call on
God at all, or we won't call on Him in faith.

Many have called on God without actually
believing and didn't get an answer.
The word 'saved' or 'salvation actually is the
total of all the blessings given by God to man.

That means salvation also includes healing.

"For whosoever shall call upon the name of
the Lord shall be saved/healed."
Romans 10:13
As we hear and hear the Word of God, faith
rises up in us to drive every symptom out of
our bodies, and produces a healing and a cure
throughout our entire bodies.
God made it (too) simple for us. He said
simply to hear and be healed.

So if we are having trouble believing God
for our healing, don't try to work it up. Go
back to the Word and 'hear' what He said.

Then just keep on hearing until faith rises
up on the inside. Healing will be the result!
Romans 10:17 says, "So then faith cometh by
hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

Hearing God's Word causes faith to rise up
on the inside. When we release that faith, we
get results.

Mark 9:23 says, "All things are possible to
him that believeth."
Hearing the Word produces belief.

We can't call on God unless we believe, and
we can't believe unless we hear.

That's why hearing and healing go together.
Once we hear, we can believe; and once we
believe, we can be healed.
The Word drives symptoms out of our bodies.
That's the connection between hearing and

What we sow in our lives, we reap. We must
plant God's Word to reap life, healing, joy,
prosperity, protection, guidance, peace, and
safety, etc.
Whenever symptoms try to attach our bodies
it's usually when we haven't been putting
enough of the Word on the inside for it to
manifest on the outside.

So we must go back and study the Word some
What we are, what we have, and what we
look like on the outside is a result of what
we have , or haven't put on the inside.

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for
whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he
also reap." Galatians 6:7
Many try to reap a harvest of healing, but
haven't sown the seeds.

Hearing and healing go together, because
"faith cometh by hearing."

Whatever we plant on the inside, we will
see on the outside.
Whatever seed we plant, we will reap that
that kind of harvest.

God's kingdom works on this principle.

Whatever we sow in our hearts is what we
will reap in our lives.

So if we sow God's Word on healing, we
will reap healing.
The Word of God is stronger than any
sickness or disease.

As we hear God's Word, we are to expect
its power to work in our bodies, bringing
about the healing we are wanting.
When we set ourselves to continually hear
the Word, we build up our faith to be healed,
or to be set free from whatever we need from
God's Word.

Whatever God promises in His Word will
manifest in our lives as long as we keep
hearing the Word and building our faith
for it.
If we need something from God, we need to
find out what the Word says about it.

If we need healing, prosperity or whatever;
we need to find the verses for that need and
Then we need to meditate on the verses and
say them out loud to ourselves until we can
pray expecting the answer.
As the Word becomes life and healing in us,
we can teach others.

The healing power of the Word works in all
who hear.

Keep hearing the Word!

Healing picture w/scripture
Jesus is our example. Teaching was a major
part of His ministry because when He taught
people they were healed.

The only way to cure unbelief is to keep
teaching the Word.
When Jesus couldn't get anything to happen
He taught.

He did that all through His ministry. When
he came to hard places, He'd just teach. When
people weren't receiving their healing, when
He couldn't do any mighty works, when no
gifts of the Spirit were operating and no one
was receiving the anointing, Jesus would
teach and teach and teach some more.
Jesus went to his own hometown, and the
power of God was present to heal. He was
anointed with the Holy Ghost and with
power; but still only a few in Nazareth
received their healings.

Most of them didn't receive because of
their unbelief. So Jesus went about all the
villages teaching. They needed to hear.