When we go through the Gospels, we will find that in most cases hearing cames before healing.
If it worked that way in Jesus' ministry, it works that way now.

Good Friday 2011
God sent His Word to heal us. He gave us Jesus and sixty-six books of His words in the Bible. As we hear the Word, it starts working inside us to make us completely healed and whole.
"He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." Psalm 107:20
We must set our faith to receive all Jesus purchased for us. ....................................................................
Healing is one of the benefits provided for us and we must believe and we must receive it now.
Notice, it wasn't just the fact that the people believed, it was what they believed that brought their miracles. ....................................................................................................................................................... They set their own limits, and Jesus met them there. He will do the same for us!



Remembering the atonement

of healing.....
And Jesus said to them, do you believe I am able to do this? They said to Him, Yes Lord. Then He touched them saying, according to your faith be it unto you and they were healed.
Jesus said, "According to your faith be it unto you." Many think that means "If you believe, you'll receive", which is true. But here He says, according to your faith - or according to what you believe - be it unto you.
As we hear and hear the healing Words of God, faith grows inside us producing healing althrough our bodies.
Many times people wait for God to drop faith on them. ................................................................................................................................................ But faith only comes by hearing God's Word regarding healing and then applying their hearts to it.
"Bow down thine ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply thine heart unto my knowledge." Proverbs22:17 ....................................................................................................................................................................................We need to apply our hearts to the Word!
If we need healing in our bodies, we need to feed on His healing words. ..............................................................................................................What we feed on is what we will have faith for!
We need to understand that seeds produce after their own kind. ..................................... ......................................................................................................When we need healing in our bodies, we need to study healing. Praise God for the other scriptures but they don't help when we are sick or hurting. They don't bring the victory for healing.
"For [God's Words] are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh." Proverbs 4:22
God's Word is medicine to all our flesh. ............................................................................................ If we take God's Word as faithfully as we take other medicines, there would be no disease that can stay in our bodies.
We have to be hearers of God's Word. His truths of healing are getting into our spirits more and more each day and healing shows up in our bodies. ..........WE TAKE DAILY DOSES OF GOD'S WORDS!
When we need healing, we go to God's Word and build healing words into our spirits. ............................................. Our bodies are healed as God's Word becomes life to us.
It isn't what we have heard, seen or have spoken; it's what we are hearing, seeing and speaking now that counts. ....................................................................................................................................................... Even if we heard, seen and spoke healing yesterday, a lot of unbelief may have been listened to and spoken since then. .................................................................................................................................. What we are hearing, seeing and speaking daily makes a big difference in our healing.
Feeding on healing scriptures last week, last month, or last year gave us faith then. But it doesn't mean we will have faith for healing today. It is what we hear, see and speak now that keeps our faith strong.
If we are sick, we need to know how to live in victory over sickness here and now. So if we need healing in our bodies, we have to read, hear and speak healing scriptures. What we feed on is what we will have faith for.
"For they [God's words] are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh." Proverbs 4:22 .................................................................... Every seed produces after its own kind. So healing words will produce healing, on and on each blessing produces its kind.
God's Word is medicine to all our flesh. We need to take it every day. If we take God's Word regarding healing faithfully as we would take any other medicine, there's no disease that can stay in our bodies.
If we try to believe for healing and nothing seems to happen, maybe the truth of healing hasn't gotten into our heart. ....................... So we have to back up and hear and speak out more of God's Word. And then keep hearing and speaking until we get so full on the inside that healing shows up on the outside.