In Acts 2:23, Peter preached to the Jews that were there about who was responsible for Jesus' death: "Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain:"

Jesus was condemned by the Romans and crucified by Israel, but He laid down His life willingly for all of us.
Jesus was the 'Lamb without blemish' because He never sinned,

He was the firstborn, 'a male of the first year',

He died at a particular time 'in the evening' the very hour Jesus died was the time when the Passover lambs were sacrificed,

'The whole assembly of the congregation of Israel killed Him.
When God gave the instructions for the Passover, they were about the lamb.

It was to be without blemish;
a male of the first year;
a sheep or a goat;
kept until 14th day of same month;
whole congregation of Israel shall kill it

Jesus fit all of these qualifications.
Because of the Lamb of God, Jesus, we are free from the devil's dominion.

We've been removed from the kingdom of darkness and placed into the kingdom of light.
The Passover lamb is like the new birth.

When Jesus, the Lamb of God, was slain on the cross, it opened the way for us to live free from Satan's bondage.

Now as soon as we receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, we are redeemed, saved and set free.
The children of Israel did what God said.

The lamb was slain and the blood applied.

And when the atonement was made,
the people went free....not only spiritually
but physically also.
The children of Israel had been slaves in Egypt for hundreds of years.

God told them "Take a lamb - one for each family.
Kill the lamb and put the blood on the doorposts of their homes.
Roast the lamb and eat the flesh, then get out of Egypt."
Passover was started in the Old Testament.

If we can find out what Passover did for the people back then, we can find out what Jesus who is our Passover did for us in the New Testament.
In 1 Corinthians 5:7, Jesus is call our Passover.

"For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us."
Jesus is our Passover Lamb. His death provided a way for those who believe in Him to be saved, delivered and healed.

He opened the way for us to enter God's family and enjoy our interitance.
The miracle that made Israel free was with a lamb....what the Bible calls a Passover lamb.

What the Passover lamb accomplished for the children of Israel by its death is a picture of what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross.

That's why John the Baptist called Jesus the Lamb of God in John 1:29. And in Revelation 13:8, Jesus was called 'the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world' He is our Passover Lamb.
God's man Moses, is a picture of Jesus arriving on the scene with signs, wonders and miracles to deliver God's people.

Israel's deliverance out of Egyptian bondage into freedom is a type of the new birth.
Exodus 12 gives us a picture of what Jesus did for us in His death, burial and resurrection.

In the Old Testament, Egypt is a type of sin or bondage [where we lived before we were born again].

Pharaoh is a type of Satan.
Israel is a type of the Church
Moses is a type of Jesus
To walk in the fullness of God's blessings, we must know what Jesus did for us on the cross.

Our faith grows stronger as we receive greater revelation of our redemption!
When we look into the Gospels, we see what literally happened to Jesus on His way to the cross.

He was beaten..... His back was laid open with a whip.

He was spat upon, and a crown of thorns were smashed onto His head.

Then He hung and died on the cross. Taking the sins and sicknesses of the world upon Himself.
Jesus' work on the Cross is available to anyone and everyone who believes.

We need to learn what Jesus accomplished so we can walk in what belongs to us.

If physical healing was a part of what Jesus died for, then we can expect healing to be our spiritual inheritance.
God redeemed the world to Himself through Jesus' work on the Cross.

That's why John the Baptist referred to Jesus as 'the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world' John 1:29
We are new creatures in Christ.

The old sin nature has been removed and holds no more power over us.

Now we can live free from sin and sickness.
It wouldn't have been enough just to forgive our sins; our nature would still be the same, and we'd still continue sinning.

God sent Jesus to deliver us from the power of sin and all its effects. And that includes sickness!

Jesus died to pay for our sins, and He was raised from the dead to deliver us from sin and sickness.
Our sins are not only forgiven, they are totally removed [washed away] as though they had never happened..

God not only delivers us from our sins, He also delivers us from the power sin once held over us.
When Jesus shed His blood, it was for the forgiveness of our sins. His resurrection from the dead made the new birth available to us.

We can now receive Jesus as our Savior and become a new creature on the inside.

Our new recreated spirits are filled with the nature of God.
Romans 4:25 Jesus "Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification."

He shed His blood not just for our forgiveness only. He was delivered unto death for payment of our sins. Then He was raised again for our justification so we could live in right standing with God.
Millions of people believe Jesus died on the Cross.

Not everyone believes He was raised from the dead.

Very few, even Christians. know what He actually accomplished.
God's foundational principles haven't changed.

Believers still lay hands on the sick and they still recover.

He's still the God who heals today!
God's Word will change what we see and feel if we continue to believe. That is to say, think and act as though it is done.
As Christians, we are supposed to believe we receive our healing before we see or feel it because we believe the Word.

Then we are to say...."I believe I'm healed by the stripes of Jesus." and keep saying it until the
power of God is manifested in our bodies.
The minute we release our faith, the power of Jesus Christ begins to flow into our bodies, whether we feel it or not.

God's healing power begins to work in our bodies the very minute we believe.

The only way to stop it is to act, think and talk as if nothing happened.
We know that faith operates on the known will of God.

So we must look into the Word of God to find the Will of God.

When we locate His Will...."by His stripes we are healed" 1 Peter 2:24, then we can base our healing on His Word and stand until it manifests.
The minute we ask for healing, no matter which method of prayer we use, that is the time we are to believe that we receive it.

We may not feel like it or see it, but we still believe we have received our answer.

Our confession should be "No, but that doesn't make any difference because I believe I've received it!" And then stand firm!
One way of receiving healing is Mark 11:24. "What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."

Another way of healing is Mark 16:17,18. "In my name.....they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

And there is also the anointing with oil, which usually goes along with the laying on of hands found in the Book of James.