When the Israelites got discouraged, the first thing they did was open their mouths.

They got into big trouble by murmuring and complaining against Moses and God!

Some people, today, when they get discouraged, the first thing they do is open their mouths and murmer and complain. We must learn from the Israelites.
We must keep our eyes on Jesus and His Word.

He is greater than any problem or sickness that could ever come against us.
"According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness...." 2 Peter 1:3

Everything God has, is and can do has been made available to us as we look to Him.
It's easy to find circumstances that will discourage us if we look at them.

Focusing on symptoms of sickness, disease and pain in our bodies can be very discouraging but we choose what we're going to look at.

We can set our eyes and attention on the circumstances we face or on our great God and His ability to take them from us!
Numbers 21:4 "..........and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way. 5 And the people spake against God, and against Moses........".

They were just like the rest of us becoming discouraged when things got tough.
When the Israelites came out of bondage in Egypt, they headed toward the Promised Land.

The Promised Land isn't a type of heaven. It had giants to overcome and heaven doesn't.

It is a picture of the abundant life God has for us while we are here on earth.
1 Corinthians 10:11 "Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come."

This tells us that what happened to Israel was for our admonition.

We can learn a lot by looking at Israel, a type of the Church.
Our Father has delivered us, provided for us, and healed us, through the blood of Jesus.

No matter what we face, we must focus our spiritual eyes on our faithful God.
We need to encourage ourselves by realizing how much God has already done of us AND how much more He wants to do.

It's an instant cure for discouragement!
As the children of Israel were on their way to the Promise Land, they became discouraged because they were looking at the hardships of the journey.

Just think what they could've focused on. God had brought them out of Egypt with signs and wonders and miracles. That is what they should have been looking at.
Jesus is our Atonement.

His sacrifice gives us access to all of God's blessings.

We receive them by faith NOW!
When Aaron made atonement for the sin of the Israelites, they were not only forgiven, but the sick were healed. That is like the Atonement that Jesus made for us.

If healing was included in the atonement under the old covenant, how much more is healing included in the Atonement Jesus purchased for us!!!!
Numbers 16 also shows us our redemption.

Soon after the Israelites were delivered out of Egyptian bondage, they started to worship idols and murmur against the men of God in charge. This put them in dangerous territory.

A plague hit the multitude and more than 14,000 died.

Aaron, their priest, prepared incense to make atonement before they all died. He ran in among them to make the atonement and the plague stopped.
The Lamb of God made the way to abundantly supply all our needs, spirit, soul and body.

He provided healing for our physical bodies and peace for our souls.

We are to walk in the fullness of the redemption that Jesus purchased for us.
TL Osborn....healing miracles

The Passover brought freedom, healing and abundance for the Israelites.

Now we live under a new and better covenant established on better promises. (Hebrews 8:6)
If God willed healing and wealth for His people, the Israelites, in the old covenant; we can know without a doubt He wills healing and abundance for us in our new covenant through Jesus.
God provided physical health for the Israelites.

"There was not one feeble person among their tribes." He brought His people out of Egypt free and healthy.
The way Israel looked when they came out of Eqypt is the way we should look the minute we're born again.

Psalm 105:37 says, "He brought them forth also with silver and gold." They didn't take silver and gold out of Egypt because they were wealthy. They had been slaves for centuries. God was their source of sudden wealth.

The first thing He did when He brought them out of bondage was to abundantly meet their needs.
God showed us the new birth when He delivered Israel out of slavery in Egypt.

It was a picture of our coming out of Satan's bondage into new freedom in Jesus Christ.
Now we partake of the Lamb of God and go forth in newness of life, receiving healing as part of our redemption package.
When Adam fell in the Garden of Eden, he fell spirit, soul and body.

When God redeemed man, He redeemed him spirit, soul and body.

Jesus died to make us the way we were to be before the fall.
When the Israelites applied the blood of the lamb, it spared them from judgment and set them free from all bondage.
When the Israelites ate the lamb's flesh, they went out [left Egypt] healthy.

That's why the Passover lamb is a picture of our full redemption in Christ.
God gave Israel specific instructions about how to eat the Passover lamb.

He told them, "Put your belts on, put shoes on and be ready to go."

It's important to see that God didn't say, "have your crutches, stretchers and pills ready to go."

He wanted them to go and to go well. The Bible says that there wasn't one feeble person among them and there were millions leaving.
We know from Hebrews 9:22 that without the shedding of blood, there's no remission of sins.

The blood of the lamb was the sacrifice that allowed the Israelites to walk out of Egypt's bondage.

And it's the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus, that lets us walk free of every Satanic bondage, which includes sickness and disease.
Death struck the firstborn of every household in Egypt where the blood wasn't applied.

Where the blood was applied, death passed over. Judgment didn't fall on them, they went free.

In the same way, when Jesus' blood is applied to us as we make Him our Lord and Savior, final judgment passes over us and we enter eternal glory where no sickness and disease exists.

God was showing the Israelites [His people] His plan for redemption by looking ahead to the time when Jesus would come and shed His blood at Calvary.

God told them, "The blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt" Exodus 12:13.
God instructed the Israelites to put the blood of the lamb on the side posts and across the top of the door of their houses.

This made a type of the cross and was covered by the blood of the Passover Lamb that had been slain for their deliverance from Egypt.
Jesus took our sins and our sicknesses [diseases, infirmities etc] upon Himself.

He knew it was the only way we could be delivered from those bondages.

He died for each of us so we could receive all the benefits of salvation. We are saved, healed and delivered!