Jesus' life was proof of God's will.

We know God wants us well because Jesus healed all who came to Him and paid the price to make healing available to us.
Jesus didn't question who the sick people were or where they came from.

If forgiveness and healing belonged to all mankind, it had to be shown clearly that it was available to everyone.

So to everyone who came to Him in faith, Jesus gave a promissory not that He would pay later, on God's redemption plan.
Jesus didn't turn anyone down.

In Matthew 8:16
"When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick."

He healed all who came to Him for help!
Jesus knew sicknesses and diseases would be on His back in a short time, but He let His compassion flow out.

He wanted to prove to the world that redemption, freedom, peace and healing belonged to every person.
We must realize Jesus healed people before He ever went to the cross.

God provided forgiveness and healing as His redemptive plan at the cross. But Jesus provided it before that by giving the people part of it on a promissory note.

Every time He forgave and healed the crowds, He was saying "I will pay for it later."
We must believe Jesus shed His blood for our sins.

We must believe He bore stripes for our physical healing.

It's only by faith that we can take full advantage of the benefits He paid for us to have.
We must spend time in God's Word understanding and believing all that Jesus accomplished in the Atonement so we're able to take full advantage of what He purchased for us!
Faith can't operate if we don't understand or know the will of God.

The will of God can't be known if we have no knowledge.

The only part of the Atonement that will work for us is the part we understand and believe!
The Atonement is the most basic of all Christian truths, it the very heart of what we believe.

It isn't complicated theology or church doctrine. It's His death for our life.

If we don't understand and believe Jesus Christ shed His blood for our sins and raised again from the dead so we could be born again, His death won't do us any good.

If we don't understand and believe Jesus Christ bore stripes on His back for our physical healing, His broken body won't do us any good.

It all comes down to what we understand!
The Atonement is the redemptive work Jesus accomplished when He went to the Cross as our Substitute and paid the price for our sins with His blood.

He was also chastised for our peace and broken in His body for our physical healing.

Read Isaiah 53:5
Jesus' sacrifice was more than enough to save and heal us.

We have a brand new spirit and a healed body because of Him.
1 Peter 2:24
"Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed."

This is a New Testament picture of what Jesus did for us.

We need to fill our hearts with God's Word on healing and pray in faith to receive.

Then thank our Father for hearing us and granting our prayers before we ever see them come to pass.
Smith Wigglesworth said "if you pray for something seven times, the first six were in unbelief.

So meditate on the Scriptures that cover your case until your heart is filled with God's will.

Then lock onto your petition in faith and watch God deliver your answer."
We don't keep praying our same prayers over and over.

Why would we ask again, if we really believe that we have received when we prayed?

After we pray we are to praise and thank God for the answers until they manifests.
1 John 5:14
"And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him."

We pray in faith by believing we receive our answer at the very moment we pray; even in the midst of symptoms and circumstances.

Mark 11:24
"....What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye reeive them and ye shall have them."
The prayer of faith is how we take hold of our healing.

All prayers must be prayed in faith. Faith is the means in which we receive from heaven.
Our part is to pray according to God's will and to pray in faith.

God's Word is His will, and the Bible from cover to cover says that healing legally belongs to us!
If we pray in faith according to God's will, we can have whatever we ask for.

God Himself has promised He will hear us and answer us.
If we pray in faith according to God's will, we can have whatever we ask for.

God Himself has promised He will hear us and answer us.
Because of Jesus, we can walk in divine health, with all our needs met spirit, soul and body!
Now, through Jesus, we can come into the family of God fully restored.

Jesus restored us to all the benefits God originally planned for us!
Our day of atonement came.

Jesus became the sacrificial Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world [John 1:29].

The last Adam [Jesus] purchased back everything the first Adam lost.
Adam disobeyed God and chose a new god.

He lost all the blessings that had been his.

After that he and his descendants were plagued with sin, sickness and disease which are the fruits of the devil.
Adam enjoyed divine health and every need met before he sinned.

All he had to do was to obey God's command to stay away from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
The original state Adam had was health.

No sickness or disease existed in his body because no sickness or disease existed on earth.

God would have created man sick if He wanted him sick.
God has restored us to all Adam possessed before he sinned in the Garden.

We have fellowship with God, a sound mind and everything we need.
Because of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection we can be restored right back to our original position in God the very minute we're born again.

We're brought back into the fellowship that Adam lost. Adam also had supernatural intelligence and memory. That same capacity of supernatural intelligence is returned to us.

God wanted Adam well taken care of and He wants the same of us. He wants to meet all our needs spirit, soul and body.
Adam's blessings are restored to us!

Before the "Fall", he enjoyed a relationship and fellowship with God. Adam walked and talked with God in the cool of the day.