Lord is my shepherd

Our faith rests in God's Word which is greater than symptoms or circumstances.

We can be of good cheer no matter what we see or how we feel!
Problems of life come to all and there's no denying it.

We put our faith in something bigger, better and higher; God's Word!
Faith doesn't deny symptoms or circumstances.

It doesn't bury its head in the sand and hopes problems go away.

Faith faces problems head on and says, "It may look bad, but I have inside information. I'm coming through this as an overcomer in Jesus Christ!"
Heart faith says, ' I see the problems or symptoms, but no matter what, the Bible is my final authority. It will be as God's Word promises me.'

Heart faith fixes its attention on the Word and always finishes with 'I believe God no matter what it looks or feels like!'
How can we know if we're really in heart faith and not head faith or mental assent?

Head faith says 'I believe the Word, but look at the size of my problem' OR 'I believe I'm healed, but I feel so sick or hurt so bad, OR 'Did you hear what the doctor said?'.

Head faith is "but" faith. . . I believe but!
We must confess from a believing heart that Jesus is our Savior and He is our Healer!

We receive healing now by the stripes of Jesus.
When we receive Jesus as our Healer, we count it done in Jesus' name.

We don't need to check to see if we feel healed. We aren't healed because we feel better.

We are healed because the Bible says so.

If we hold fast to our faith, our healing will come to pass just as it did with salvation. Many times we didn't feel saved but we were.
Healing is simple: God wants us well !!

We know Jesus' body was broken so we can have His health.

So right now we can believe we receive our healing.
We are healed by faith just as we are saved by faith.

When we learn to take advantage of what already belongs to us, we will walk in blessings far beyond what we can ask or think.
Think about it; was it difficult to get saved? No!

We simply found out God loved us, believed in our hearts Jesus was raised from the dead and confessed Him as our Savior.

Healing is received the same way. We find out healing is God's will for us, believe in our hearts we receive our healing and confess Jesus as our Healer.
Some people think it is hard to receive from God, especially getting their healing.

Why would it be hard to obtain something that already belongs to us?

Jesus purchased healing for us with the stripes on His back. We just have to take what's already ours!
God's Word is simple and easy to understand.

He didn't make it complicated because He didn't want anyone left out of His blessings.
"And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people."
Matthew 9:35
Jesus has already provided all of it for us!

We are redeemed because we have called on the name of the Lord.

We are also healed.

We are peaceful and grateful for all He has done for us.
Because Jesus rose from the dead, our spirits can be born again.

Salvation is the result of accepting the spiritual side of redemption.

Then it is up to us to walk in the soulish and physical sides of His work.
Jesus not only provided salvation for all mankind, He also provided peace of mind and physical healing to anyone who will receive it.

He paid the price for it all!
Jesus died on the cross for every person.

Anyone who believes in Him can freely come into God's family through His blood.
Acts 2:21
"And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
John 1:12 says, "As many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God."
Jesus said in John 6:37, "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."

Redemption belongs to 'whosoever' will call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is said all through the Bible.

God is "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).
We're redeemed from the curse of the Law.

We must refuse to carry the burden of sicknesses, diseases, pains and plagues because Jesus has already carried them for us.

By His stripes, we are healed!
Sins, sicknesses, diseases, pains and plagues belong in the devil's kingdom, but now we're citizens of the kingdom of light.
Jesus paid the price to redeem us from both sin and sickness.

He already carried it all for us! So He doesn't want us carrying the burden of our sicknesses, diseases, pains any more than He wants us carrying the burden of our sins.
Not only did He take on Himself our sin, but He bore our sicknesses, diseases, pains and plagues as well.

Just as we've known God doesn't want us to live in sin, we must know He doesn't want us to live in sickness, disease and pain either.
Some people think Jesus came to help us carry our burdens of sickness, disease, pains and plagues.

They don't realize what actually took place when He redeemed us from them.

They understand He took our sins to the cross and wiped us free from them. They even realize God doesn't want us to take the condemation for our sins; but they must also realize Jesus completed a full redemption for us.
When we received Jesus as our Savior, He freed us from the curse of the Lae.

Jesus took the curse on Himself as our substitute, and now we are redeemed from every sickness, disease, pain and plague and we walk in divine health!
Galatians 3:13 "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:

14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith."
In Deuteronomy 28:1-14, the Lord gives us the blessing of Abraham.

That blessing includes divine health.

We have been redeemed from the curse of every sickness, disease, pain and plague; even those not mentioned in the Law.