Acts 10:38 says Jesus "went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him."
"He is the same yesterday, today and forever!"
Hebrews 13:8
Sickness and disease doesn't come from God and never has.

God never changes! James 1:17
If sickness and disease were from God, it would have to be good.

But we know sicknesses and diseases are not good because they steal, kill and destroy people's lives.
Every good and perfect gift comes from God who never changes.

So when we find out something is good and perfect, we know it comes from God.

And if it isn't good or perfect, we know it doesn't come from above.
We can come to only one conclusion: God doesn't have any sickness to give us.

We must let God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Since there's no sickness in heaven, there should be no sickness in us.

We are to receive God's healing power at work in our bodies ALWAYS!
God doesn't give us sickness!

He doesn't have any. There is no sickness in heaven.

When sickness came to the earth through the fall of man, Jesus paid the price to send it to the depths of hell where it belongs. It doesn't belong to Him.

"He sent His Word and healed us" Psalm 107:20
When Jesus touched people or they touched Him, they were healed.

In all the time Jesus lived on earth and ministered, He never gave sickness or disease to anyone.

He acted out the will of God, taking sickness away from people!
Jesus was the express image of God, the will of God in action.

He said, "If you've seen Me, you've seen the Father."
John 14:9

So if it were true that God gave us sickness by His hand, then Jesus would have given sickness to people instead of taking it away from them.
" He [God] sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions."
Psalm 107:20
We must be single-minded in all our ways.

We know God's will for us is healing and health.

Sickness cannot have place in us and we must refuse to let it be there.
If symptoms attack our bodies, we need to attack those symptoms with the Word of God.

We are God's children and we don't have to keep one thing that doesn't come from Him.
Sickness, disease, pains and plagues are not from God!

As God's children, we are redeemed by the blood of Jesus, we shouldn't have any part of any of it.

We need to refuse to accept them when they come.
If sickness is a blessing from God, we should never fight against it.

We shouldn't fight it with medicine, prayer, being anointed or having hands laid on us.

If our sickness is from God, we should keep it and pray for more for the rest of the family.
If we think sickness is from God for any reason;
whether we think He wants us to have it, sent it or
has allowed it, we're in trouble.

We become double-minded. One side of our minds
think, we don't want this, but the other side thinks,
if God wants us to have this, it must be good for us
so we should keep it.
When sickness or disease attacks our bodies, everything in us wants to be free of it.

It's uncomfortable, it is 'dis-ease' and we authomatically want to get rid of it as quickly as we can.
It's God's will for us to be healed and live in health.

Sickness doesn't come from Him and He doesn't use it to teach us.

Jesus destroyed the works of the devil, so we can live free from sickness and disease.
We must feed our spirits on healing Scriptures that tell us God wants us healthy and whole.

When we fill our minds with the Word, the doubtfilled thoughts can't find their way back in.

Then we hang on to God's Words and they will bring healing and health to our bodies.
Our faith will not work beyond our knowledge of God's will.

We have to know God's will before we can believe it.
The reason Jesus came to earth:

John 3:8 says He came
"to destroy the works of the devil."

The works Jesus came to destroy were sin, poverty, sickness and disease.
We have to understand where sickness comes from so we can get rid of it.
"For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil."
1 John 3:8
Jesus gives us abundant as God has it.

God doesn't get sick, so we don't allow sickness to stay in our bodies.

Divine health belongs to us!
Jesus was saying, "I have come that you might have the life of God."

God was never sick!

Sickness and disease doesn't come from God;
otherwise, Jesus would have included it in
His abundant life message.

He came to set us free!
" The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill and to destroy:
I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly."
John 10:10

God is doing everything in His power to get healing and health to us!

The devil is the one who steals, kills and destroys!
In Luke 13:16,
Jesus called sickness and disease a bondage.

In Acts 10:38
Peter calls sickness and disease satanic oppression.
Sickness and diseases are satanic forces.

God called them curses in Deuteronomy 28:59-61
Some have been taught that sickness comes from God to teach them and make them pious and more Christ-like.

But in the Word we definitely see that sickness comes from the enemy, not from God.

Jesus didn't become Christ-like through sickness and disease, so why would we.
We can always overcome with God's Word.

We will not be discouraged and we will not fear or quit.

By faith, we come out of every test stronger.