If we're going to be people of faith whose faith works, we have to be people of our word.

We must:
Keep our word,
Honor our word,
Watch over our word.
"Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth
Matthew 12:34

Faith is believing that what we say according to the
Word will come to pass.
We cannot separate ourselves from our word,
for we are only as good as our word.

If our word isn't very good, our faith isn't very good.
We are delivered from the power of darkness.
We submit to God and resist the devil,
and the devil has to go, taking his symptoms with him.
If we're going to live in divine health as God intended, we must know sickness comes from the devil.

When symptoms come, we are to resist them in Jesus' name.

Then act like God's Word is true - because it is!
Another major reason many Christians are sick is that they haven't obeyed.

James 4:7,
"Submit yourselves therefore to God.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
Even Christians don't know the enemy is trying to cause them problems and keep them from obeying God.

They're ignorant of the devil's efforts to hinder them from fulfilling the Great Commission.
Christians often times don't realize that sickness comes from the devil and they don't resist the symptoms when they show up.
We must not allow the devil's doubt and unbelief keep us from receiving our healing.

We choose God's thoughts and ways that produce healing in us!
God wrote down His thoughts and ways for us in sixty-six books called the Bible, where He makes it clear healing is His will.
When we are faced with symptoms, we should immediately say, "The Bible is God talking to us.
What does God think and say?

We need to think God's thoughts because they are higher than ours Isaiah 55:9
We open the door to sickness through wrong thinking, which produces wrong believing, which produces wrong speaking.

When they all work together, we experience bad results.
We won't find permanent help for sickness and disease until we make sure the door giving the devil access is closed and locked; by getting a strong revelation that healing is God's will.
Satan's biggest lie is that sickness is from God.

When we fall for that lie, we stop resisting his attacks on our bodies and open the door for him to put it on us.
Jesus' body was broken for our physical healing
just as surely as His blood was shed for our sins.
Our Father says healing is good!

He is willing to heal us.

And as we lay hands on the sick, God's power causes them to recover.
God wants us to be well so we can heal others.

He wants us not only to preach the Gospel, but to lay hands on the sick to set them free.

Because sickness is bad and healing is good!
Sickness is a curse from the devil.

Healing is a blessing from God.
It was the Devil who went about oppressing the people with sickness!

It was Jesus who healed them and set them free!
The Bible didn't say that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power: who went about making people sick.

No, He went about doing good;
and healing all that were oppressed of the Devil.
Sickness doesn't come from God.

Satan is the father of all sickness and disease.

We have been delivered from Satan's kingdom.

We walk in healing and health because our Father wants us well.
Healing is good!
Satan is the author of sickness and disease, but through Jesus dying on the cross for us, life can become very good again.
We don't find sickness and disease anywhere in the Bible until after Satan became the god of this world.

Then we find it rampant throughout the earth.
Someone said, "Sickness is the offspring of its father, Satan and its mother, sin."
When Satan entered into his new domain, he brought all his goods with him; that is sickness, fear, poverty, depression, oppression, death and everything else that's evil.
When Adam sinned and fell spiritually in the Garden of Eden, he chose a new master.

At that moment, Satan became the god of this world with a long-term lease on creation.
Sickness and disease was absent in the original creation.

Adam and Eve didn't know anything about it.
We cannot find a scripture where it says. "On this day God created sickness and disease."

We never read "And God said, 'Let there be. . . . and list of all the sicknesses and diseases he was going to put into the world'".

No! God looked at His creation and said, "behold, it was very good" Genesis 1:31
Sickness and disease was not a part of God's creation.

"And God saw every thing that he had made and behold, it was very good.
And the evening and the morning were the sixth day."
Genesis 1:31
God never changes.

He sent His Word to heal His people under the old covenant and He sends His Word to heal us today under the new covenant.

We get it by faith believing His healing power is at work in us all the time.
God didn't send sickness and disease to the earth in the beginning;
He didn't send sickness and disease during Jesus' earthly ministry
and He doesn't send sickness and disease to the earth today.