Hearing God's Word produces faith in us.

So, as we continually hear the Word, we walk in divine health, peace and abundance.
Paul and Barnabas were preaching the Gospel
The Good News

Good News to a sinner is he can be saved.
Good News to a poor man is his needs can be met.
Good News to a sick man is he can be healed.
Just like the centurion, we believe in the power and authority of Jesus' words.

We know God's will is for us to be healed and to live in health.

So we ask in faith for our healing and we believe we receive our healing now! In the name of Jesus!
Healing the servant was God's Will.

Jesus knew the will of the Father - Healing was for everyone!
Then the centurion told Jesus that He didn't have to come to his house.

But that He could just speak the word and his servant would be healed and set free.
Jesus didn't know the centurion's servant and had never seen him.

But Jesus knew the will of the Father.
When the centurion asked Jesus to come heal his servant, Jesus said He would.

Jesus was saying that His will to heal him was the Father's will to heal everyone who allows Him to.
Jesus has spoken healing to us through His Word and we have authority to stop the devil from hindering us.

Healing is ours in the name of Jesus!
God is waiting for us to give orders to the enemy so He can legally enforce them.

We're the ones with the authority to do something about the devil.
Jesus is the head of the Church.

We're His body on this earth with the right to use the authority He has given us in His name.

The body has the same authority as the head.
Jesus gave us His authority.

In Matthew 18:18 He tells us that
what we forbid is forbidden
and what we allow is allowed.
There is a connection between understanding authority and having great faith.

Sometimes a believer's faith doesn't operate because they don't understand their authority.
God responds to faith.

We are healed because we believe God's healing promises are at work in us.
God doesn't expect us to wait for some special manifestation [even though it happens at times];
He expects us to simply take Him at His Word,
believe we receive His promises
and boldly act on them in faith.
The Roman Centurion had great faith because he understood Jesus' words had authority over sickness and disease.

He was willing to believe the words of Jesus and act on them, He didn't need Jesus to come to his house.

Jesus responded to his faith, "Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour."
The Holy Spirit is the One who causes our answers to come.

He's the One who confirms the Word.

When the Holy Spirit moves, the manifestation of our prayers catches up with our confession of the Word.
To receive healing,
we hear the Word of God,
we act on the Word,
we hold fast to our confession of faith,
and stand fast until it manifests.
We have a man - the Man named Jesus - and in Him we must trust.

Some people will go to a specific healing evangelist,
but regardless of the anointing, no man is the healer.

Only Jesus is the Healer!
Jesus is all we need.!
Jesus walked directly to the man and asked, "Would you like to be healed?"

The man replied, "But I have no man. . . . ."

That was the man's first problem, he looked to man.
Put trust in Jesus, not man!
Healing is ours....it belongs to us!

We take it by faith!
We must examing ourselves.

Are we waiting for the water to move OR are we doing our part to receive healing by faith?
Some Christians think that if healing was for today, everyone would be healed.

But not everyone even wants to be healed or wants to believe for their healing.
Many Christians are like those who gathered around the pool of Bethesda; they'd like healing to hit them, but they haven't done their part to take hold of it by faith.
At the Pool of Bethesda a group of sick people were waiting for the water to be troubled.

The first person who stepped in would be healed and everyone else had to wait for the next visitation.

They'd wait and wait and wait. There were no guarantees.
Our words control our lives.

We can have what I say by saying we are healed!

God's Word in us drives out sickness and disease.
God heals sovereignly as He wills, but He made a way for us to receive healing by faith at any time.

We can exercise our faith and receive healing daily!
The man at the Pool of Bethesda wasn't healed
by his own faith.

Jesus never said he was healed by His faith.

If Jesus' faith had healed the man, He would
have healed everyone else there too.
The miracle that took place at the Pool of Bethesda
shows us God's sovereignty.

Five areas full of people sat by the pool not knowing when the angel was coming or who would be healed.

And afterward, the rest of the people would have to sit and wait for the next time the angel came to trouble the water.
Our words create God's realities into our lives.

We must watch our words carefully and speak only truth and life.

As we walk in faith according to God's Word, we shall have whatever we say.