John 15:5

A Hundred Reasons

God never told Jesus to seek out a few here and there who needed healing.

Jesus was sent to heal all.
Jesus' commission was:
*to heal the sick
*cleanse the lepers,
*raise the dead,
*cast out devils, and
*bring deliverance to all!
Jesus didn't have to fast and pray to fnd out God's will to heal people.

He healed all that came to him.

He came to destroy the works of the devil, sickness is of the devil because it kills, steals [our money and health] and destroys [lives].

"The thief [the devil] cometh not but for to steal, kill and destroy, but I [Jesus] have come to give you life and give it more abundantly."
John 10:10

Jesus did two things when He was moved with compassion:
He touched the person
He spoke to the disease
God's love and compassion reaches out to us and heals us of every sickness and disease.

He's able and willing!
We must trust God and His love.

As we come to Him in faith, His compassion will flow freely to heal us and make us whole.
God's ability shows His power, but His willingness shows His compassion.

In the Word, God's compassion is magnified above His power.

1 John 4:8 says "God is Love", but it never says "God is power".
The one leper in Mark 1 came close to Jesus.

He could've been stoned for being there, but he had the determination of someone who wanted healing so badly he was willing to risk his life for it.
Jesus heard the 10 lepers call to Him from afar and He told them to go show themselves to the priest and they were healed as they went.
In Luke 17:12, ten lepers cried to Jesus from afar because it was unlawful to come near him.

If a leper came within a certain distance of a healthy person, they had to get out of the way and call out, "Unclean!, Unclean!"
"Moved with compassion,"
Jesus touched the leper.

This may have been the first time in years that this man had been touched by someone.

No one wanted to touch him.
He wasn't even supposed to come near people.
God's Word can create an unshakable confidence in us that God wants us healthy.

We can boldly say, "I am healed."

And the Holy Spirit in us does the work!
Jesus did God's will and not His own.

He said
"The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works." John 14:10
Jesus was the will of God in action.

He took the "if" out of the healing issue.

He didn't beg, plead or spend time searching for God's will about healing.

Neither should we. We are to do what He did.
We must take the"IF" out of healing prayers.

Healing is part of The Great Commission.
Healing is part of why Jesus came.
Healing is part of the Atonement.
Faith always begins where God's will is known.

We know without a doubt it's our Father's will to heal us.

We have confidence that He desires our healing even more than we do.
Happy Mother' s Day 2012

Many people have to be convinced,
through the Word of God,
that it is His will and it is for us NOW!
Knowing God is able to heal isn't enough; we have to be sure it's His will.

And it is!
The average Christian is a lot like the leper was.

He believed God is able to heal, but he doesn't know whether or not it's God's will to heal.
With the two words, "I will", Jesus shows beyond a doubt that God's will for us is divine health.

According to God's will, we can accept our healing.
When Jesus answered the leper and said, "I will, be clean" He was giving that same answer to all of us.

God is able and willing to heal us.

He wants to!
The major obstacle between Christians and miracles today is they know God is able to heal, but they don't know if He's willing.
The leper in Matthew 8:2,3 is the only person in the New Testament to question God's will to heal.

This man is also the first in the four Gospels whom Jesus heals.

So the first thing God does through Jesus is to clear up the question: Is it God's will to heal?
When we hear the full Gospel of salvation and healing, faith rises in us to be healed.

We act on that faith in God's Word, it produces what we desire.

Just as Jesus was healing people,
we can know for a fact it's God's will to heal
EVERY person
EVERY time of
EVERY disease and sickness

We have God's Word on it!
National Day of Prayer 2012

Our faith that comes from hearing the Gospel must be acted on in order to receive our healing.
We receive faith from hearing the Gospel message which includes healing.

The whole Gospel cannot be preached without preaching healing.