All through the Bible forgiveness of sin and
physical healing have always been a packaged deal.
We are forgiven and we are healed!

Both belongs to us and are included in the covenant with our heavenly Father.

Healing comes with forgiveness
and forgiveness comes with healing.
When Jesus asked the religious leaders,
"Which is easier to say; your sins are forgiven
or take up your bed and walk?"

He was saying that it doesn't matter which one.

If He said,
"Get up and walk" that means "you're forgive"
and if He said
"You're forgiven," that means "get up and walk"
Several times throughout Jesus' ministry, He proved
that forgiveness and healing were to go together.

When we receive one, the other belongs to us too!
Jesus paid for our healings and we have them by faith regardless of how we feel or our circumstances.

When Jesus sees our faith, He forgives our sins and heals us!
No one likes tests and trials, but faith thrives on them.

Our heads may give us trouble in hard times; but if we're really in faith, we won't give up!
Hope will only go so far, but faith won't quit!

Faith has tenacity, it digs its heels in.

It says that healing belongs to me and I won't go without it!
Jesus continued teaching.

That was always His solution to unbelief.

Suddenly, four men lowered a stretcher down through the roof, after removing part of it, putting a man in front of Jesus because they were so determined to get this man healed.

When Jesus saw their faith, he told the sick man that his sins were forgiven him which also healed him.
The first time Jesus visited Capernaum, people came to be healed.

The second time he visited, many came to stop folks from being healed.

Doubt and unbelief are strong sometimes that it's difficult for anyone to get healed. That was happening here, even though God's power was present, no one was getting healed.
Things happen when we get tired of being overrun by the devil.

That's when we jump out in faith and refuse to give up until we receive the miralce we need.

We have to refuse to put up with sicknesses and pains because God's Word is medicine to our flesh.
"And they come unto him bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four."
Mark 2:3

This man who had the palsy, or paralysis, found four friends to pick him up and carry him to Jesus.

This man was sick with it and sick of it!
We are not to just listen; we are to hear the Word of God concerning healing.

Then faith will rise up in our hearts to receive and then we will be healed.
The Bible doesn't say a word about the scribes, Pharisees or the doctors of the law hearing the Word of God that Jesus was teaching so they would receive faith for healing.

They were only listening for what they could accused Him of.

Yet God still sent His power to heal them.
The power of the Lord was present to heal all including the Pharisees and the doctors of the law, but not one of the Pharisees or doctors were healed.

You can be listening without hearing!
God's power is available to us through the Word.

We tap into His power by believing, confessing and acting on the Word.
To learn to receive from God,
we need to get a revelation of His will,
act on it, and
hold fast to our confession
that God's power is working in us,
effecting a healing and a cure.
Why do so many not get healed today?

The problem hasn't been a lack of power, but a lack of knowledge.
Jesus said, "My meat is to do My Father's will."
John 4:34

It must have been God's will for Jesus to go to
Capernaum and teach the Word.

When God's power is present, anyone who will
receive by faith can be healed.
". . .and the power of the Lord was present to heal
them." Luke 5:17 Read the whole verse

Who is them?
The Pharisees and the doctors of the law.

It was God's will to even heal them or He wouldn't
have sent his power to do so.
Reading and hearing the Word of God produces faith
for healings and miracles.

Faith comes by reading and hearing the Word and
meditating on the Word [thinking alot about what
was read and heard].
Often today, people aren't healed because they haven't taken time to hear God's Word.

They want the healing or miracle, but don't know they have to hear the Word.
When the people heard Jesus preach and teach
the Word, faith grew in them, then as He
instructed them to act on their faith,
they were healed.
"And again He entered into Capernaum after some days....and straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door; and He preached the word unto them."
Mark 2:1-2

Jesus had to preach the Word to the people so they would have faith to be healed.
Matthew 4:23 says, "And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people."

Healing came after teaching and preaching.
They got their faith the same way we get ours today.

Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

Romans 10:17
There was a method to what Jesus did.

About 70% of the time, Jesus either stated or implied that people were healed on their own faith.
Jesus alway gave the people something to believe....

He preached the Word to them, hearing and miracles
go hand in hand.
When Jesus preached, miracles happened!

The Holy Spirit teaches us that same living Word produces miracles in our lives.
As more and more people are healed and set free through the preaching of the Word, churches won't have buildings big enough to hold all the people.

Word gets out when Jesus shows up!
In Mark 2:1-5, verse 1 says, "And again he entered into Capernaum."

The word 'again' indicates that Jesus must have been there before.

Mark 1 mentions the first time He went to Capernaum that many sick were healed, many devils were cast out and that Jesus performed miracles all over the city.

So when Jesus returned, word got around and soon the house where He stayed was packed .
"And again He entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised that He was in the house.

And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door; and He preached the word unto them.

And they come unto Him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four. And when they could not come nigh unto Him for the press, they uncovered the roof where He was: and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay.

When Jesus saw their faith, He said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee."

Mark 2:1-5