Jesus said: "Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world."
Matthew 28:20
Jesus never destroyed one work of God.

He only went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. Acts 10:38.
Now, if Jesus destroyed God's works, then we're in trouble because the Bible says a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand Matthew 12:25
1 John 3:8 "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the Devil."

If God made people sick then Jesus was destroying the works of His Father by healing them.
People still blame God for sicknesses and diseases.

God had nothing to do with it!

Adam gave his authority and a long-term lease on creation to Satan and Satan brought sickness and disease along with him.
Sickness and disease didn't come into the world until sin did.

When God ruled on the earth through Adam, there wasn't sickness or disease on the earth.
The truth is that God hates sicknesses and diseases as much as He hates sin because they are a result of the original sin.
For years some people have said that God chose to have them sick.

But Jesus said Satan has bound them, not God
Two important points revealed in the Bible are:
Sickness and disease are a bondage, and
Satan is the cause.
We are not confused about where sickness comes from.

Sickness is a bondage from Satan plain and simple.

God wants us to live free from sickness and pain, so we must choose to walk in health daily.
Thank God, the Bible sets us free from wrong thinking and wrong believing so we can enjoy the blessings of healing and health.
If sickness and disease are from God, then Jesus robbed God of His glory when He called sickness a bondage of Satan.
If sickness and disease are from God, then Jesus was fighting against God when He healed people.
Sickness and disease was never called a blessing in the Bible and anyone who calls it a blessing today doesn't know what the Bible says.
The truth is, God never had anything good to say about sickness and disease.

He detested it so much He sent His own Son Jesus to bear all the sicknesses and diseases of the world on Himself.
Jesus called sickness and disease bondage.

He never called them blessings-in-disguise or just a blessings.

God's blessings was sending Jesus to loose of them.
God gets glory when we get healed.

It doesn't glorify Him when we can't function normally.

Our Father can set us free from all bondage and we can give Him all the glory!
The Bible says many times that the majority of Jesus' healing took place on the Sabbath, the Jews sacred day.

Jesus was making a point that healing is sacred.
Jesus has loosed us from bondage.

As we act in faith we are set free from sin and sickness.
When Jesus called someone to come to Him, they acted on their faith by doing so and received their miracle.
Jesus was always getting the Word into people so they could believe.

And when they believed and acted on it, they got results.
Faith always acts on the Word of God;
         by doing, thinking and saying.
We are loosed and free from all circumstances and symptoms because we can hear, believe and act on the Word of God.
We are loosed from all the works of the enemy, whether we realize it or not; now it's time to act like it.

We were re-created in Jesus to walk free of all sickness and disease,
The Bible says those whom the Son sets free are free indeed.
John 8:36
No sickness or disease is too hard for Father God to heal.

We can receive our healing now!
We won't be moved by our circumstances or what others say.

We will only be moved by what God's Word says.
We must be firm about standing on God's Word.

Circumstance cannot more us.

We must walk by faith and not by sight!
We need to get stubborn about holding fast to the anointed Word no matter what circumstances look like.
Thank God for good doctors, but the Word of God is an even higher and more sure authority.