New Year's Eve 2012
"Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil."   Hebrews 2:14

Because Jesus destroyed the devil, we are free from sickness and disease.
"And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it."
Colossians 2:15

Jesus spoiled Satan's army!
Sickness is not a blessing from God, it's a curse from the enemy from whom we've been redeemed.

Sickness is from the enemy, we don't have a thing to be concerned about because Jesus destroyed the works of the devil, which He was sent to do.
Healing people was a major part of Jesus' ministry.

Jesus accomplished the purpose for which He was sent.

There were times that as many as touched Him were made whole.
Every time Jesus set someone free, He destroyed the works of the devil; spiritual, mental and physical bondage is of the devil!
Every time Jesus forgave someone, He destroyed the works of the devil; sin is of the devil!
Jesus went about doing good.

Every time He healed someone, He destroyed the works of the devil; sickness and disease is of the devil!
If we want to know what the works of the devil are, we need to find out what Jesus destroyed.

Acts 10:38
"Jesus went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him."
Sickness and disease is a work of the devil.

The main reason Jesus came into this realm was to destroy the works of the devil; and He fulfilled what God called Him to do.
Jesus gave people a variety of different instructions to act on their faith.

Let God show you what to do!
What should we do to act on our faith?

Don't do something just because it worked for someone else.

God will instruct you.
While Jesus walked the earth, He healed all that were sick.

As we hear God's Word, we receive our healing because Jesus' ministry is still alive on earth today.
In Acts 1:1, the next verse in the Bible, Luke talks about "all that Jesus began both to do and teach."

The body [Christians] will pick up where Jesus left off.

Jesus' ministry of healing and deliverance will continue in and through us.
The last verse of the book of John says, "There are also many other things which Jesus did. . .even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written"   John 21:25.
Jesus told His disciple, "It's better for you if I go. I'll pray to the Father, and He'll send another Comforter to abide with you forever."
John 14:16

He also said, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do because I go unto My Father"
John 14:12
Jesus is still working in and through us, His body, the church today.

His earthly ministry didn't stop or diminsh, it multiplied.
Jesus was gone.
His earthly ministry wasn't finished.
It was just getting started.

He just ascended to the Father's right hand to become the Head over all things to the body [the church] Colossians 1:18.

In Acts 10:38, Peter preached about the earthly ministry of Jesus to Cornelius' house:
"How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him."
Jesus shed His blood so we could be free from sin,
and He was bruised for our physical healing.

But we must choose to believe the report of the Lord!
The Hebrew for 'stripes' literally means 'bruise'.

Isaiah 53:10 tells us that it pleased God to bruise Jesus. He was only pleased because He knew the end result.

God knew: that Jesus would die on the Cross
                  that Jesus would save us from our
                  that Jesus take on Himself our
                  that Jesus would rise from the
                  that Jesus would have a glorified
                  that all Jesus suffered for would turn
                          out good.
Jesus bore stripes upon His back so we can be healed.
Jesus took the chastisement of our peace upon Himself so we can have peace.
In Isaiah 53:5, God gives us this report to believe: Jesus was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities so we can be free from sin and sickness.
Will we believe God or the world?

Will we believe the voice of the Holy Spirit or the voice of the devil?

Once we know what God says, we can choose to believe His report.
Believing the right report isn't mind over matter or the power of positive thinking.

It's believing God's Word over our problems, symptoms, or circumstances.

This means we have to choose whom we will believe.
Jesus willingly paid the price for us.

He took our sicknesses and diseases;
He gave us His health.
Healing is no longer a promise, it's a firmly established fact.

Now we just have to get the revelation of it in our spirits that it is God's will for us; then we will start walking in the divine health Jesus purchased for us.
If God didn't want us healed, as some believe, why in the world did Jesus bear those stripes on His back before He went to the Cross?

That was one misery Jesus could have bypassed, but He made it part of the atonement.
Jesus died on the Cross and then descended into hell, carrying our sickneses and diseases.

But when He was raised from the dead, He came free of them.

When we are born again, healing is ours to claim just like forgiveness.
Jesus was raised from the dead with a perfect, glorified body.

So where did He leave our sicknesses and diseases? He left them in hell!

Jesus was then called the firstborn of all creation. (Colossians 1:15)