Matthew 28:6
God talks about what doesn't exist as though it already existed.

That is why it is alright for us to do the same.

We are not lying; we are following His example.
Romans 4:16 calls Abraham our father of faith.

God made a covenant with Abraham saying that He had made [not will make] him a father of many nations.

God always "calls those things that be not as though they were."
Romans 4:17
Anything contrary to God's Word is a lying vanity.

Don't forsake your mercy and watch symptoms or bad reports.

Make the right choice and watch for the answer.
Everyone of us needs God's mercy.

"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."  Hebrews 4:16
Whatever we need is available by God's mercy.
"They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy."
Jonah 2:8
Don't focus on symptoms or circumstances; look at God's Word and walk in victory every times.
One example of great faith is in Romans 4:19: "And being not weak in faith, [Abraham] considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb."

Take the 'not's out of that Scripture, and we see an example of weak faith.
Weak faith is knowing what God says, but keeps on looking at the problem.

Great faith is not caring what things look like, but knowing what God says.

The difference between great faith and weak faith is found in what we dwell on - the problem or the answer.
Even when we miss God's best, He picks us up and helps us on our way.

There's no condemnation because we are in Christ Jesus, and we walk after the Spirit of God.
God doesn't want us to feel condemned when we miss it and get out of faith.

He's not condemning us.

His hand is always reaching out to help us back up on top of our circumstances.
God saves, heals, guides and protects us.

So we can boldly say, "The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear!"
Hebrews 13:5,6
Get in the Word!

Faith comes by hearing God's Word, and faith drives out fear and helps us to keep our eyes where they belong - on Jesus.
Sometimes Christians make the mistake of rebuking fear without replacing it with anything.

Jesus said, "Fear not, only believe."

Faith can drive out fear and keep it out.
We are to keep our eyes on Jesus, and not look at the circumstances or impossibilities that surround us.

We must choose to believe His Word, and our faith will hold us up.
When the One who made our bodies tells us they are healed, they are healed!

The Word of God is the foundation we are to stand on.
Choose to let God's Word be truth.

Steadfastly focus on His Word and receive what God says.
We may know God's Word is true, but Paul says that we have to choose what is truth in our lives.

Are we going to believe symptoms and circumstances or are we going to believe God.
We must let God be true.

Switch over to the realm of faith and say: Who cares what it looks or feels like? The Bible says I'm healed!
The Bible says, "By Jesus' stripes you were healed."
Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24.

Lots of people say that they know what the Bible says, but do not feel good.

They choose to let the symptoms be truth and God the liar.

They are living on the negative side of life, always focusing on their problems instead of God's Word; that won't bring victory!