Faith always speaks in the present.

Healing belongs to us as children of God.

We are not going to be healed - we are already healed because we believe we receive our answer when we prayed.
Mark 11:24,
"Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."

When are we to believe we receive them?
When we prayed!
Many of us have prayed for years, but haven't believed that we received when we prayed; and many still do.

We pray then check to see if anything happened; and if nothing is different, we don't believe we received; instead of going about our business believing God heard us [we prayed according to His will]
and remove our focus from our circumstances.

It isn't always instant like when Jesus did it and sometimes His started but took some time.
It's according to our faith that it's done to us.

If we pray and then believe we didn't get anything, we don't get anything.
God says He's the God who heals us.

We can ask Him right now to heal us and believe we have received our requests.
Read Mark 11:22-24
Jesus gives His disciples some good instruction on the subject of faith.

He started by saying, "Have Faith in God".

Then explains the two fundament principles:
        Believe in your heart and
        Say with your mouth.
When symptoms attack our body, we turn to God and say, "Thank you Father that Your Word is true."

We don't deny symptoms but we don't dwell on them either.

We look to Almighty God and receive the healing He's provided for us.
We are not moved by what we see or feel.

We are moved only by the Word of God.

We are healed simply because the Bible says that by Jesus' stripes, we are healed.
As we keep our eyes on the Word of God, it doesn't matter what our bodies feel like.

They will have to respond to that anointed Word.
If the enemy can keep us watching our symptoms, whether they are getting better or worse, he has control over us.
We don't need any other reason to believe we're well except 1 Peter 2:24: "By Jesus' stripes, we are healed."
If believers get their eyes off the Word for any reason, it could get them in trouble.

If they believe they are healed because they feel better and the next day feel worse, then they will fall back into doubt and unbelief.
The enemies [Satan] will do anything and everything in the world to get a believer's eyes off the answer and back onto the problem.
2 Peter 1:19
When problems arise, just believe God's Word,
which is greater than the problems, symptoms or

Be fully persuaded that what God has promised, He's able and willing to do,
Romans 4:21.
Don't deny the problem or try to think it away.

Just look at it and say, "Who cares?  The answer is mine, I have God's Word on it!"
God doesn't want us to deny the problem, He simply wants us to say, "It doesn't matter what I look like, feel like, or sound like; the only thing that matters is what God says. He tells me that by Jesus' stripes I was healed and I believe Him!"
Don't deny that the problem is there; just look at the Word of God and keep your eyes on the answer.
God isn't advocating lying or mind over matter.

He's just saying 'don't consider problems; switch over and consider His Word.
God says by Jesus' stripes we are healed.

So when symptoms come against us, we call those things that be not as though they were, saying "I am healed by the stripes of Jesus!"