We have the written Word of God and it's full of healing from cover to cover.

God said, "He sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions." Psalm 107:20
Jesus was the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us.

During His ministry, He healed all who came to Him in faith.
As believers, we are to expect signs to follow us according to the Word of God.

When we lay hands on the sick, they are healed.

God's Word works in us, for us and through us.
Healing the sick is part of the Gospel, and we are to take the Gospel into all the world.

"And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name. . . .they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.
Mark 16:17,18

We are to let God use us to heal the sick.
Jesus paid for our sins and sicknesses.

We are free because He already bore them for us.
Jesus bore our physical infirmities on the Cross so we can live healthy and whole all the days of our lives, by faith.
Jesus fulfilled Isaiah's prophecy by physically healing people.
Jesus physically healed Peter's mother-in-law.
Jesus told those that desired healing, "as thou hast believed, so be it done unto you."

That is regarding physical healing.
The infirmities and sicknesses God is talking about here are not spiritual.

Reading the Gospels, we can see what Jesus did to fulfill the Old Testament.
With the belief that is was only spiritual sicknesses that Jesus died for has put many people in early graves.
Jesus took our infirmities and bore our physical sicknesses; they were not spiritual healings as some want to believe.
Jesus never made anyone sick, but healed all who came to Him in faith.

When we come to Him in faith, we receive God's work of healing in our body.

Jesus said, "But that the works of God should be made manifest in him, I must work the works of Him that sent Me."

It was Jesus' work to do His Father's work which was to heal all who believed in Him.
In Jesus' day, religious people thought if someone were born sick, either the parents sinned before the child was born or the child sinned in the womb [how?].
Symptoms may seem to keep us from victory, but as we go our way, believing God's healing power is working wholeness in us.
When we obey Jesus' words, were are healed.

We have to take God at His Word, regardless of what we see or feel and go on our way.
The minute we take God at His Word, our bodies begin to amend.

We are healed as we go.
Don't think that all healings have to be instant.

Instant healings are available, but it's just as scriptural to mend "from that hour."

More people are healed gradually than instantly.
God is trying to teach His church to take Him at His Word.

Believe what He says no matter what the situation looks like, feels like or sounds like.
God's Word is just as powerful as His physical presence.

If we will take Him at His Word, it will do anything He could do if He stood right here in the flesh.
About 80 percent of the things we believe are accepted as truth without feeling or seeing them.

We believe what we read in history books even though we were never there or saw any of it.

Sometimes we are willing to believe anything but the Bible.
We need to believe God's Word just as readily.