Believing the word is simply acting on what it says.
If we believe, that means we are acting on God's promise and when we add action to our faith that is truly believing.
Faith without works [actions] is dead James 2:20.
We may think we have all the faith in the world; but all the faith in the world, if not followed by matching action, is dead faith.
Reading about faith, only produces a desire for faith.

Reading or hearing God's Word will produce faith.
God's purpose in commanding that the gospel [forgiveness and healing] be preached to every creature is so that every creature may receive its benefits.
What Jesus' sacrifice provided for those living in that day; it does for us in our day.

He tasted death for every person. Hebrews 2:9
When Jesus healed the woman with the issue of blood, it was for her, but what He did as our substitute on the cross was for everyone.
He bore out sicknesses and diseases.

Nothing short of healing them all would fulfill God's promise.
The reason Jesus healed them all is because it was part of His redemptive work for everyone by His death.

Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses, Matthew 8:17, it includes everyone.
Acts 10:38  How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.
He came to do His Father's will, John 6:38; Hebrews 10:7,9; He preached the gospel and healed all that were sick, Matthew 8:16.
Now when the sun was setting, all they that had any sick with divers diseases brought them unto him; and He laid his hands on every one of them and healed them. Luke 4:40
No person was ever turned down by Jesus for healing.

Multitudes after multitudes came to Him for physical healing and it's recorded that HE HEALED THEM ALL.
Forgiveness and healing must be claimed by faith.
Jesus has to be accepted as healer by faith.
Jesus has to be accepted as Savior by faith.
Sin and sickness needed to be bore only once. Since Jesus Christ has already bore them for us, we don't need to bear them.

If we bear them, then Jesus bore them for nothing.
Jesus, our substitute, bore both sin and sickness for us, so we don't have to.

By believing this part of the Word and acting on it, we are as free from sickness as we are from sin.
Sickness will lose its power over our body just as sin loses its power over our spirit. We will be as free from sickness as we are from sin.
The benefits of healing in the striped body of Jesus are just as clearly taught in the word as are the benefits of salvation in His blood.
That the life of Christ has been made manifest in our mortal flesh; sickness and disease can no longer have power over us. We are healed by our faith.
Who heals all your diseases Psalm 103:3 has usually been overlooked in the Communion Service and because the church has not properly discerned the Lord's body, many are weak and sickly.
At communion, we take the wine and drink it to remember that Jesus shed His blood for our sins.

We take the bread and eat it to remember that His body was broken for our healings.
Sickness is no more for God's glory than sin is.

We should not accept sickness any more than we accept sin, they were done away with by Jesus who was pierced and whipped on our behalf individually.
We learn to discern our deliverance from the power of sin in our lives because of the shed blood of Christ.

We are as free from sickness as we are from sin.
By knowing God's Word, we discover our deliverance from the power of sickness in our lives because of the stripes on Jesus' body.
Jesus' body was striped when He bore our sicknesses, so that we would not have to bear them, but could be  healed of them and be delivered from the power of sickness in our lives.