Those who don't know God's will for their healing are doing all within their power of human skill to get well with the use of other means, whether it's His will or not.
Many people are wanting and waiting for God to give them a special revelation of His will for their healing.
Some see others healed, but question if healing is God's will for them.
Many believe that God sometimes heals the sick, but they don't know personally of Jesus as our healer.

 They don't know of the facts that prove that physical health is part of salvation.
The promises of healing will be fulfilled in the lives of all who are bold and strong to believe.
People who have been healed should be taught that it is God's plan that "sickness should be taken from the midst", Exodus 23:25 and that God's will is that they should "prosper and be in health, even as [their] soul prospers", 3 John 2.
Satan will tempt every person who has been healed.

Only those who continue in His Word and keeps their faith in it will see the manifestation of the healing.
The majority of people who pray for healing are already healed as far as God is concerned; the problem is keeping from the influences of unbelief, skepticism and physical senses. 

It's important to stay under the Word of God and away from unbelievers.
If temptation comes and we yield to the symptoms, we do the very thing the devil wants us to do.

We can't give way to the enemies accusations or we won't receive our healing.
Whenever we pray or ask for anything [according to God's will] we are to have faith that it has been granted to us and we shall have it.
The minute a person believes for physical healing, it is received as far as God is concerned. 

Mark 11:24  Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
They allowed something to disturb their believing, which choked or interrupted the work of the Spirit. It is true of those who believe for healing.
Others, He said, are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life and bring no fruit to perfection, Luke 8:13-14.
Jesus told of those who hear the gospel and receive the  word with joy and for a while believe and in time of temptation they fall away.
We do not pray healing down from heaven or persuade God to do what was done at Calvary.

We receive healing [or any of God's promises] the same way that we receive salvation.
Faith is believing, confessing and acting on the finished work of Christ according to what is written in the Word of God.

Peter said, By whose stripes you were healed, 1 Peter 2:24.
Both salvation and healing are finished works, completed in redemption.

The are both received by faith and that the work is accomplished by  Jesus Christ.
2015 Happy Resurrection Day!

According to God's Word, we are saved if we truly believe. In the same way, we are healed if we truly believe.
No one accuses a Christian of lying if they take God at His word to believe that their salvation is a fact; but in the matter of healing, they are accused of lying if they take God at His word for their healing before it is manifested.
If the unsaved don't believe or postpones salvation to the future, they will not be saved.

If the sick or hurt don't believe or postpones healing to the future, they will not be healed.
Just like salvation, healing is for whoever believes on Him.