Jesus said, The thief [satan] comes not but to steal and to kill and to destroy; I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly, John 10:10.
Jesus came to save us, that means to deliver us, preserve us, heal us, to give us life, to make us whole, but never to destroy us.
Jesus said, The Son of man is not come to destroy human lives, but to save them, Luke 9:56.

Sickness, disease and sin destroys so it isn't from God.
Jesus doesn't want the works of the devil to be in our physical bodies.

Know you not that your bodies are the members of Christ? 1 Corinthians 6:15.
Jesus always treated sin, diseases and sicknesses the same. They were all hateful in His sight.

He rebuked them all because He was manifested to destroy them.
We are told that The Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil, 1 John 3:8, sickness is part of satan's works.
It is written: Jesus of Nazareth went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, Acts 10:38, sickness is oppression of satan.
A demon was the cause of a boy being deaf and dumb and also the cause of his convulsions.

When the demon was cast out, the boy was healed, Mark 9:17-27.
A devil which possessed a man was the cause of his being both blind and dumb. 

When the devil was cast out, the man could see and talk, Matthew 12:22.
Jesus declared that the infirm woman was bound by satan and ought to be loosed.

He cast out the spirit of infirmity and she was healed, Luke 13:16.
Sickness is revealed as coming directly from satan, Job 42:10,12.
Jesus fulfilled Isaiah's words: He healed all that were sick, Matthew 8:16-17
The word bore implies substitution [suffering for], not sympathy [suffering with].

If Jesus has borne our sicknesses, why should we bear them?
The healing of our diseases and sicknesses is included in Christ Jesus' work on the cross along with the forgiveness of our sins.
It is never God's will for our spirits to be sick, nor for our bodies to be sick!
God's will is that we be as healthy in our bodies as we are in our spirits.
John in 3 John 2 wishes above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.
God promises protection for our bodies as well as for our spirits if we will live in Him [Psalm 91].
The promise of salvation and healing are to all, without exception, whosoever believes in Him.
We are not to look at our symptoms but at the stripes that Jesus bore when He was whipped and beaten for our healings.
We are not to look to a preacher or any other, but to Jesus alone for healing or any other of God's promises.
We do not need to beg or make any deal with God for healing.

There is only one condition: Whosoever believes!
In Christ, we receive both forgiveness for our sins and healing for our bodies.
Both sin and sickness came into the world through the fall of the human race. We need to look for the healing of both in Jesus Christ our Savior.
God is both the Savior and the healer of His people.

It is always His will to save and to heal all those who believe on Him.
God's promises to heal are as much a revelation of His will as His promises to save are His revelation of His will.
The Bible shows the will of God concerning healing of the body just as clearly as it does the will of God concerning salvation. 

He doesn't need to give any special revelation. He has definitely promised healing to all.
If it is God's will for us to be well, then it is only logical that the best way is by divine means.
If its not God's will for us to be well, then it would be wrong to even look to get well through natural means.