If the age of miracles is past, no one could be born again because the new birth is the greatest miracle a person can experience.
The most common tradition is: the age of miracles is past.

For that to be true, there would have to be a total absence of miracles. Even one miracles would prove that the age of miracles has not pasted.
Our diseases and sicknesses were laid on Jesus.

God couldn't require that we bear them as punishment, because Jesus bore them for us.
Another tradition is that God chastises His children with  sickness. They quote part of Hebrews 12:6-8, which says, "whom the Lord loves he chastens".

God does chasten those whom He loves, but not by making them sick.

The word "chasten" here means, to instruct, train, discipline, teach or educate" like a parent with a child. A parent would go to jail if they did such to their child. God is not a child abuser!
Those who defend this tradition quote 1 Peter 5:10; but this suffering doesn't refer to suffering sickness, but to the many ways in which God's people have so often had to suffer for their testimony,
Acts 5:41 and 2 Corinthians 12.
Another tradition is that if we are righteous, we should expect sicknesses as a part of our life. They quote Psalm 34:19, but that doesn't mean sicknesses; it means trials, hardships, persecutions and temptations, never sickness or physical disabilities.

They don't finish the verse:  Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.
Jesus was made a curse for us, Galatians 3:13, when He bore our sicknesses, Matthew 8:17.
Isaiah 53:4 is actually translated: Surely [or certainly] He has borne our sicknesses and carried our pains.

To prove that our sicknesses were carried away by Jesus, just like our sins were carried away, the same Hebrew verb for borne and carried is used to describe both.
Bodily healing in the new testament was called a mercy and it was God's mercy which always moved Him to heal all the sick.

His promise is that He is plenteous in mercy to all that call on Him, Psalm 86:5. That includes all believers.
Paul said that God would have us prepared to every good work, 2 Timothy 2:21; thoroughly furnished to all good works, 2 Timothy 3:17; that we might abound to every good work, 2 Corinthians 9:8.

Sick people cannot measure up to these words. Either healing is for all, or these scriptures do not apply to all.
If today, God has done away with healing in answer to prayer and favors only healing by medical science; that would mean that He requires us to use a less successful method during this better New Testament time. Back then He healed them all. Now many diseases are incurable.
James says: Is any sick among you? Call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise them up, James 5:14-15.
Jesus said, If you live in me and my words live in you, you shall ask what you will and it shall be done to you, John 15:7
Twice Jesus promised that If we ask anything in His name, He will do it [of course it has to been according to God's will].

He didn't exclude healing from this promise....it includes healing for all who will ask and believe.
We are to preach the gospel [that He bore our sins] to every creature.

We are to preach the gospel [that He bore our sicknesses] to every creature.
Faith for spiritual healing comes by hearing the gospel: He bore our sins.

Faith for physical healing comes by hearing the gospel: He bore our sicknesses.
Since it is written, "Faith comes by hearing the word of God", then the best way to build faith in our heart that God is willing to heal us, is for us to hear that part of God's word which promises us healing.
God's word is His will. His promises reveal His will.

When we read of what He promises to do, then we know what it is His will to do.
If it's not God's will for all to be healed, then God's promises to heal are not for all.

That would mean that faith doesn't come by hearing the word of God alone, but by getting a special revelation from God that has favor and wills to heal us.
If healing isn't for all, why did Jesus bear our sicknesses, our diseases and our pains?

If God wanted some of His us to suffer, then Jesus relieved us from bearing something that God wanted us to bear. 

No, since Jesus came to do the Father's will and since He has borne them for us, it must be God's will for all to be well.
There are those who believe that while God heals some, it's not His will to heal all.

But Jesus, who came to do the Father's will, did heal them all.
John's gospel is used by some to prove that sickness glorifies God; but God was not glorified until Lazarus was raised up from the dead. The result was that many of the Jews believed on Him, John 11:45.
We can not glorify God in our spirit while we are in sin.

We can not glorify God in our body while we are sick and in pain.

Paul said that we are bought with a price, therefore we are to glorify God in our bodies and in our spirits which are God's, 1 Corinthians 6:20.