Happy New Year 2016

Proverbs 14:26

Proverbs 3:5

Proverbs 2:21

James 1:17

Thanks be to God

Luke 2:12

Luke 2:11

Matthew 1:20-21

Luke 1:46-49

Luke 1:30-31

Isaiah 9:6

We are expected to have confidence in what God says and that is all that He expects of us.
Our friendship with God is to be both ways. We are not forced to love and respect Him, but we should if it is to be a good relationship.
God's dream was to reproduce Himself and to have companionship with us!
We are created for life, love, power, prosperity, success and dignity.
Our heritage is to have God's best, to enjoy His companionship and to use His power for the good of ourselves and others.
We are valuable to God and to people because we are created in His class of being. We are vital because God's plan involves us.
When we recognize our value, we cause the seeds of greatness to germinate in us, Galatians 3:29;
1 Peter 1:23.
God's family is supposed to represent Him and reflect His lifestyle here on earth, because as he is, so are we in this world,  1 John 4:17.
We must begin to see and respect ourselves as members of royalty, Galatians 4:6-7.
God never created anything or anyone inferior, Psalm 8:4-6.
God never planned us for poverty, inferiority, sickness, depression, want or insecurity,
1 Peter 2:9.
God planned that whatever could be said about Him, could be said about us, 1 John 4:17,. . ."as He is, so are we in this world."
God created us humans as much like Himself as any child can be like its natural parents.
Self-value will cause us to stand tall, square our shoulders, to look into the future with a new confidence, to walk steady and rise to the level of importance for which God created us, Psalm 91.
Self-value will give us courage because we discover that with God at work in us, we become unconquerable, 1 John 4:4.