Ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be full. John 16:24
Call unto me and I will answer you.
Jeremiah 33:3
Jesus said, These signs shall follow them that believe, in my name they shall cast out devils;. . . they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover, Mark 16:17-18
Once we realize where sickness comes from and that it is not the will of our loving, heavenly Father for us to suffer, we can approach Him with humility and in faith.
If we need healing, we can pray and be healed in the same way that we were saved.
We must accept God's promise as true and believe that we are forgiven before we can experience His forgiveness.
We must accept God's promise as true and believe that we are healed before we can experience physical healing.
If God is merciful enough to forgive us when we sin, surely He is merciful enough to heal us! When Jesus ministered on earth He healed those that were unsaved. He hadn't died for any of us yet.
God is as willing to heal as He is to forgive.
Jesus bore our diseases so that we may be healed. Divine health is ours.
Claiming this blessing and confessing it by faith, God will manifest it in our body.
Jesus bore out sins so that we can have forgiveness. Eternal life is ours.
Claiming this blessing and confessing it by faith; God will make it good in our lives.
Multitudes of sincere people all over the world are receiving physical and spiritual healing through their faith in God's promise.
As long as Jesus' commission is in effect, the unsaved and the sick can be healed and forgiven by believing the gospel.
Jesus' promise to save us spiritually, is in His commission. His promise to heal our bodies, is in His commission and it is for all.
To deny that one part of His commission is for today, is to deny both parts.
When Jesus sent His disciples to preach the gospel, He told them, These [supernatural] signs shall follow them that believe. This was for everyone, for all nations until the end of the world.
The end of the world hasn't come yet, and Jesus' commission hasn't been withdrawn or cancelled.
The age of miracles is not past because Jesus, the miracle-worker, has never changed: Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever, Hebrews 13:8.
If we pray at all, we should expect that prayer to be answered.
When that prayer is answered, God has done it; He has performed something supernatural!
If there are no miracles, prayer is nothing and only ignorance would cause anyone to pray or expect an answer.
If prayer brings an answer, that answer is a miracle. If there are no miracles, there is no reason for faith.
Anyone who claims that the age of miracles is past denies the need, the privileges and benefits of prayer.
For God to hear and answer prayer of any kind is a miracle.
If the age of miracles is past, that would mean that all evidence concerning many cases of miraculous healings, is false and that God's promises to do such things are not for us today.