This is a picture of the redemption we have
in Jesus. Notice that it includes the body.

God clothed them (Adam & Eve) and covered
their physical bodies, not just their spirits and
souls, in a righteousness gotten from sacrifice.

Jesus took the death penalty, that we had
earned and gave us His life, instead. So faith
in all His provisions bring perfect wholeness.
But if not resisted, Satan is allowed to instill
doubt which grows into unbelief and
developes into disobedience; and sickness,
sin, sorrow and death enters the world.

God gave Adam and Eve the promise of a
Savior and responded to the faith in that
promise by giving them a type of redemption.

He clothed them with garments not made by
themselves, which cost the lives of innocent
victims. These garments were put on them
by God's own hands and covered them, body,
soul and spirit. Bodily in a covering of blood.
"Your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion,
walketh about, seeking whom he may devour;
whom resist, steadfast in the faith"
1 Peter 5:8,9

He may not devour those who rest on God and
His Word. If we resist the devil, James tells us,
he will flee from us. So if he roars more, resist
him more. If he keeps on roaring, keep on
resisting. The louder he roars, the greater we
must resist. Then we will have the joy of seeing
him flee before us.
Satan would have to remove us from our
refuge in the secret place of the Most High
before he can touch us. We are perfectly
safe as long as we are abiding in the Word
of God.

God hath said, and here in the Bible is what
He said. If we will abide in the Word and
treat any suggestion to the contrary by the
devil as the lie, victory can be ours.
The people that satan cannot touch are the
greatest menace to all his devices, plans,
plots and schemes. For to them are given
power over all power of the enemy.

There is no one he can turn to for help.
He is alone against those who believe God's
word and is not a match for them.

There isn't a poisonous gas in hell that God's
breath cannot dispel. . . .
Not a fiery dart which the shield of faith can
not quench. . . .
nor a pestilence which the blood cannot
ward off. . . .

"No weapon formed against thee shall prosper"
Isaiah 54:17
In the book of Genesis we find satan,
the source of all sin and sickness,
making his first attack on man with
words to Eve: "Yea, hath God said?"
Genesis 3:1

Satan attacked God's Word to question
if God's statement was for real.

As long as man rests on the Word of
God he cannot be moved. "They that
trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion,
which cannot be removed, but abideth
forever" Psalms 125:1
Let's look at what is the source behind
all the disease that is around about us,
working in our bodies and our homes.

Let's also look at stopping the source of
it so we can stand perfect and complete
in all the will of God as shown in the
Word of God; "whole spirit and soul and
body. . . .preserved blameless unto the
come of our Lord Jesus Christ"
1 Thessalonians 5:23
We have learned from our study of
God's creative work, that it is His will
that, we, His masterpiece should be
as He created us, in His image.

"very good," free from all deformities,
disabilities, sicknesses and diseases.
It is His eternal plan and purpose for

"Whatsoever God doeth it shall be for
ever" Ecclesiates 3:14
He forgiveth all our sins and healeth
all our diseases. So we are to feel that
all sicknesses, and diseases are to be
destroyed with faith, just as we do all
our sins.

We are to cast them on Jesus. Believe
in the heart that they are gone the
same as confessed sin. He has promised
both so why take one and not the other?
The closer we get and stay to God,
the less the destroyer can find areas
to attack. He is our refuge.

His eternal purpose is that we are
to be perfect just as our heavenly
Father is perfect.

He made provision of that when
Jesus was manifested to destroy
the works of the devil. [1 John 3:8]
Once a person moves out of God's will
(His protection) they are open to all
sorts of satanic power which can defile,
deform, and even destroy every area of
their three-part being.

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal,
and to kill, and to destroy: I am come
that they might have life, and that they
might have it more abundantly"
John 10:10
God created man perfect in spirit, soul and
body; free from disease and deformity, in
the beauty and glory of their Creator.

But the marrings of His masterpiece, man,
are the workings of Satan. His transgression
of God's law brought sin into the world with
disastrous results.
Studying the anatomy of the human body,
there are two things that are impressive;

One is the perfection in which it was built
right down to the smallest detail, the way
each part functions, the way they all work
together in perfect union to make all live

Two is the imperfections that are met in
every area, the tendency to diseases,
changes causing deformities inherited or

But the plan as a whole is a marvelous
work carried out so elequent and divine
that we are at awe of His handiwork.
Man, before the fall, was in the image of

Even in his physical sense. We have no
idea what a glorious being he was. He
was strong, magnificent, beautiful,
perfect; the head of all creation.

Even today, being marred by sin, the
human body still holds the image and
abilities of God.
God had created many beautiful and
wonderful things before them; the sun
the moon, the stars, trees, plants, flowers,
sea animals, land animals. Some with
great strength, some with fragile grace.

But man was His masterpiece. He did
not make him like the others. He made
them like Himself with a divine spirit.

and after the work was done, God saw
it and "behold it was very good."
God's willingness to heal is revealed through
out the whole Bible. He wants to keep our
bodies as well as to save and keep our souls
and spirits.

Starting with Genesis we find God's will
clearly in His creative work of mankind. He
created man the way He wanted them to be.
He made them in His image and likeness
[Genesis 1:26] not with any sicknesses,
diseases, or disabilities or abnormalities.
Just like himself and that is the way He
wants us to be in this life.

What a wonderful life He made for His
He healed all who came to Him, never refusing
a single person. We can not find one case where
He said it was not His will to heal them or that it
was necessary for them to suffer for some sin or
disobedience. He always answered "I will." and
this fact forever settles for us God's will in regards
to sickness and disease.

Of course it has to be according to our faith, for
faith is how we receive all of God's blessings.
Jesus is the express image of the Father, the
perfect expression of God and His will.

He said, "He that hath seen me hath seen the
Father also." and He declared that His works
were not His own but the Father's that sent
The whole Bible is a revelation, not only of His
willingness to heal our spiritual ailments, but
our physical ones also.

One of His covenant names is "the Lord that
healeth" Jehovah-rapha. He is also the Lord
that changeth not; the changeless, healing, life
giving Lord.
Many of us have been taught to pray, "If it be
Thy will heal me." Only that one in the Bible
said it to Jesus and He cleared that matter of
being His will right away.

If God's people of today, were as free from
doubt regarding the Father's will for their
bodies as they are for their souls, they could
be healed continually.
"And God saw everything that he had made, and
behold, it was very good" Genesis 1:31

One of the greatest hinderances to healing is the
uncertainty as to God's will. There is a feeling in
most that He may not be willing, and that we may
have to persuade Him to heal us.

We know He is able and that He has the power to
do so, if He only will. Like the leper in Matthew
who said to Jesus, "If Thou wilt, Thou canst make
me clean". Jesus answered him "I will, be thou
clean". Jesus did the Father's will at all times.
The best of all is that healing is not an accident,
or a special miracle but the working out of God's
will which is perfect soundness by faith in the
name of Jesus of Nazareth.

The field in which God's work is being done today
are by men and women who had been given up to
die or told they were to live with their diseases by
the medical profession.
In Deuteronomy, God promised to take away all
sickness from His 'obedient' people.

There are a great number of healing scriptures
in the Bible. When we find them, they will do
their work. They never fail because God is
In Numbers, every recorded case of sickness
is dealt with by supernatural means: prayer,
sacrifice, and atonement.
In Leviticus, the leper-cleansing ceremony where
the leper, when he had not a clean spot on his
whole body; was healed by the blood of the bird
slain over the running water in an earthen vessel
which is a picture of Christ, who through the Holy
Spirit offered Himself without spot unto God.
In Exodus, healing is found when the people
of God marched out of Egypt; Psalms 105:37 says
that they marched out "with not one feeble person
among their tribes." What a glorious procession.
And they did it through the wonder-working
power of the Passover Lamb.
In Genesis God made man as He wanted Him,
in His own image and likeness, even as to his
physical being free from every disability.
In Job, the oldest book of the Bible, it has the
clearest teaching on healing in the Atonement
that the Word has.
If we take the Word of God and plunge into it with
full purpose, to get all there is, to do all that God
says to do, to believe all He says and praise Him;
the problem is solved, the impossible is achieved,
the deliverance comes.

There is no trouble about it when God can get us
to meet His conditions of repentance and faith.

When God says faith, He means faith.
Many times we are not healed because we didn't
believe the simple statements of the Word of God.
Our healing can not be manifested because of

Simply because we do not have light enough to
take it. It is a gift and must be appropriated. God's
method of providing it is through His Word.

"Faith cometh" (notice that it cometh) "by hearing,
and hearing by the Word of God" Romans 10:17
Say what you want about will power; but it's
satisfactory to say that no human determin-
ation can withstand a demon when it once has
rule over you.

His diabolical power is superhuman. But thank God!
Jesus has said, "I have given you power over all the
power of the enemy."

Divine power is for the asking and the receiving.