If you are one of those who think your case
is too difficult or if healing can be for you, go
to the 16th verse of Matthew chapter 8 "they
brought unto him many that were possessed
with devils: and he cast out the spirits with
his word, and healed all that were sick:"

He healed all that were sick. All. . .no matter
who they were or what kind of sickness or
disease. Whether chronic or acute. He healed
all so there is nothing too hard for Him.
It is so glorious to have Jesus as a family
physician. No one is too poor to receive
His services. They are 'without money and
without price' on our part. His paid it all!!
Another case of healing in Matthew chapter
8, was Peter's mother-in-law. She was sick
with a 'great fever'.

Peter told Jesus about it as soon as Jesus
enter his home. The woman was in bed due
to headache and fever; but Jesus drew near
and touched her hand and the fever left her.

Contact with Jesus drives away sicknesses,
and disease. We are saved and healed to
serve Him.
The centurion in chapter 8 of Matthew who
came to Jesus for the healing of his servant;
was delivered in answer to his master's faith.

It is interesting that he, the centurion, asked
for nothing but the word; "speak the word
only?". He didn't base his request because
he thought he deserved it.
Regarding the leper in Matthew chapter 8,
"And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched
him, saying, I will; be thou clean.
And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.
And Jesus saith unto him, See thou tell no

man; but go thy way, shew thyself to the
priest, and offer the gift that Moses
commanded, for a testimony unto them."

Again Jesus didn't want the people following
Him for the miracles only; He needed to be
able to preach salvation to them as well.
God wants us healed bodily just as He wants
us spiritually. John's prayer, "Beloved, I wish
above all things that thou mayest prosper and
be in health, even as thy soul prospereth" in
3 John 2 is God's will for every one of us.
Jesus taught us to pray, "Thy will be done
as it is in heaven". There is no sickness or
sin in heaven, for 'nothing that defileth'
can enter there.
Jesus calls healing "the children's bread" in
Matthew chapter 15. No earthly father who
loves his children would withhold bread from

"If ye then, being evil, know how to give good
gifts unto your children, how much more shall
your Father which is in heaven give good things
to them that ask him?" Matthew 7:11
From Genesis to Revelation is God's "I will"
to everyone who diligently seeks full salvation
for body and soul.

Jesus, His only begotten Son, hanging on the
cross, is God's "Can you doubt My willingness?"
In Matthew chapter 8, the leper had no doubt
in Jesus' power to heal him but doubted His
willingness. "Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make
me clean,"

Jesus, who is the author and finisher of faith,
said to him, "I will," and the man was healed.

God not only has the power but the willingness
to heal all who come to him in faith believing.
When Jesus said to the man in the Gospel
of John the 5th chapter, "Wilt thou be made
whole?" He meant nothing short of that.

God's will is not only to remove all sin and
disease but to raise us far above that realm
into the Resurrection Life of Christ. "The
law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath
made me free from the law of sin and death"
Romans 8:2

He wants us 100% whole.
Sometimes people are impatient when they
come to God for healing. Instead of praying
at once for the deliverance needed; it is better
to prayerfully and reverently read and study
the Word of God for as long as the Holy Spirit
(not the flesh) leads.

They must remember that His WORDS them-
selves are SPIRIT and LIFE and that "He sent
his word and healed them."
First, Jesus teaches and shows man God's
will for him and how far he has wandered
away from it;

Second, Jesus preaches to show man the
salvation He provided for him and if he is
to accept it by faith, he will come into the
will of God;

Third, Jesus heals to remove from man's
bodies the results of the sins of the world.

This is God's unchanging order!
The Sun of Righteousness never fails to
light up the darkest heart that will open
wide to receive Him and to heal the most
hopeless case that comes to Him.
God is not willing that any should perish!

He loves us so much that He is always sending
some ray of light, or some Word of God drops
into our minds by the Holy Spirit, to invite us to
throw ourselve open to the Sun of Righteousness.
He is still the Sun of Righteousness with
Healing in His wings and is shining with
love, forgiveness, healing and cleansing on
all who will let Him.
This prediction was fulfilled when Jesus,
'the Dayspring from on high', came. And
as He was manifested to destroy the works
of the devil including sickness as well as sin.

He healed all that came unto Him, all that
was oppressed of the devil!
The last words before the end of the Old
Testament and before the silent years that
came between Malachi and Jesus' birth "by
whom God hath spoken to us in these last
days"; there is the prediction of the rising
of the Sun of Righteousness with healing in
His wings (Malachi 4:2)
Jesus wanted to persuade the unbelieving
world that His gospel was real by His
healing miracles of the sick who came to
Him for deliverance.

Often this opened a door to preach salvation
which would have otherwise be closed. They
go together.
Many preachers and teachers talk as if the
healing of the body through faith was some
thing different from salvation, instead of a
part of it.

When Jesus healed the paralytic in Luke 5,
He spoke pardon to him (first things first).
"Man, thy sins are forgiven thee," then his
physical healing followed as a visible sign of
his forgiveness and evidence before all to
see that He has power to forgive sins.
As we proclaim salvation from sin and deliver-
ance from guilt and power through the cross,
people will have their eyes opened.

As we preach a Savior who bore our pains
and sicknesses as well as our sins, the sick
will be healed, the deaf will hear, the blind
will see, the lame will walk and the dumb will

The King of kings will not allow His Word to
go unfulfilled.
Heaven never fails to make the Word of God
good, to fulfill every promise in it and to
inflict every penalty for disobedience. The
Lord Jesus is working with us, confirming
the Word with signs following.

So we can be sure if we speak His word as He
has told us to do, He will not let any of our
words fall to the ground but will confirm them
with signs following, setting the seal of heaven
on them.
In Mark 16:9, 10, 14-20 we have the plainest
possible words of God's plan for the age that
we are living. . . a plan in which every believer
has his or her part to play.

It's not too much to say that we are here solely
for this purpose. We have all the resources of
heaven to draw upon, and to empower and
protect us.
The Protestant Reformation brought about
a revival of faith for healing, and has been
gradually increasing ever since.

God-given faith in the Word of God as being
the same today as it ever has been and ever
will be, "forever settled".

Anything or any teaching that is not in accord
with the Word of God are not to be followed.
But faith in God's Word is to be imitated.

It looks like praying for the sick and anointing
them with oil never stopped being done for
several more centuries of the Christian Era.

Then it began to decline because of the change
in attitudes in the church. Superstitions became
abundant and they were usually connected to
the names of saints or things instead of giving
all the glory to Jesus to whom it belonged.
In the Book of the Acts (of the Apostles) we
are taught that they literally understood and
faithfully exercised and did what Jesus had
commanded them to do.

For the first three centuries of the church,
this example was followed by the believers
of the Lord Jesus Christ.
7oo years before Jesus came, it was prophesied
by Isaiah that He would not only bear the sins
of the world but their sickness and diseases too!

This was fulfilled on the cross! He healed all
that were oppressed of the devil and commanded
His disciples to do the same after His ascension
and promised to be with them unto the end of
the ages.
It has been mankind's conviction of all ages
that sickness is spiritual and requires divine
power to cure.

It is not a fad! Divine healing is ancient and
the original method of dealing with sicknesses
and diseases, even among the heathens.

The Jews, God's chosen people, had nothing
else taught to them until the days of Solomon
when a lot of idolatry was started.