This is not only a promise, it is an ordinance
and a statute.

We have in the command of James 5:14, an
ordinance of healing in Jesus' name that is
sacred and binding upon all the churches today,
just as much as the ordinances of the Lord's
Supper and Baptism.
Isaiah declares "Surely He hath borne our
sicknesses and carried our pains."

The fact is, that the very first covenant God
gave after crossing the Red Sea, was the
covenant of healing, and it was at this time
that God revealed Himself as our Physician,
by the first redemptive and covenant name,
Jehovah-rapha, "I am the Lord that healeth
Jehovah is the redemptive name of diety,
and means the self-existent one who reveals

Jehovah-rapha is translated "I am the Lord
thy Physician," or "I am the Lord that healeth
thee." This name is given to reveal to us our
redemptive privilege of being healed.
"All these things happen unto them for
ensamples; and they are written for our
admonition upon whom the ends of the
world are come." 1 Corinthians 10:11

The Holy Spirit shows us that these things
are for the Gentiles as well as for Israel.
"Know ye, therefore, that they which are
of faith the same are the children of Abraham
. . . .now to Abraham and his seed were the
promises made. . . . and if ye be Christ's ye
are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to
the promise." Galatians 3:7,16,29

The church has learned that there is no
difference to Jesus between the sick Gentile
and a sick Israelite.
In Psalm 103, David calls upon his soul to
bless the Lord and to "forget not all his

Then he says, "Who forgiveth all thine
iniquities (sins), who healeth all thy diseases."

The only way God can forgive sin is through
the Atonement of Jesus. He heals diseases
the same way. The only way God can save
any part of man is by the Atonement.
Aaron, an Old Testament priest, in his office
of mediator, stood between the people and
death by making an atonement against the
plague (which is the healing of the body).

The same with Jesus, our mediator, by His
Atonement, redeemed us from the "plague"
(which is sin and sickness).
Since in the Old Testament age they all had
the privilege of being healed, then surely in
this "better" age, with its better covenant and
better promises, God wouldn't do away with
this Old Testament blessing.

If He has , then we have been "ripped off"
by the new and better covenant.
Matthew 8:17 definitely states that Jesus
healed all diseases on the basis of the

The Atonement was His reason for making
no exceptions while healing the sick. "He. .
healed all that were sick, that it might be
fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias, the
prophet, saying: Himself took our infirm-
ities and bare our sickness."

Since it is our sicknesses He bore, His
Atonement includes all of us, it would
requires the healing of all to fulfill this
prophecy. Jesus is still healing all who
come to Him in faith, "that it might be
fulfilled. . . ."
The reason why many of the sick today are
not receiving their possession of healing, is
because "Faith cometh by hearing," and the
ministers have not been taught that part of
the gospel, so they are not preaching it to
their people.

They are not like Paul, declaring "the whole
counsel of God."
God's promise is to pour His Spirit upon all
flesh during the "acceptable year of the Lord,"
which is today, the age of the Holy Spirit.

He comes as Jesus' representative to bring us
all the blessings of redemption; to bring to us
"the earnest" of our spiritual and physical
inheritance, until the last enemy, which is
death, is destroyed, therefore admitting us
into our full inheritance.
Paul tells us that it is "in Him" that all the
promises of God are yea and amen; which
is another way of saying that all the promises
of God, including His promise to heal, owe
their existence and power completely to the
redeeming work of Jesus.
Some want to apply physical healing to the
'here after' ; but Jesus said "this day is this
scripture fulfilled in your ears." It is fulfilled
here and now, not in the 'here after'.

It is now that God has set in the church
"teachers, working of miracles, gifts of healing,"
etc. They will not be needed in the 'here after'
because there will be no sickness or disease or
pain because all will have glorified bodies.

That is when mortality puts on immortality.
If healing is only for the 'here after' then so
would be the working of miracles and teachers,
but no, they are all for the church today.
Only those who have been saved by the
blood of Jesus can know "joy unspeakable
and full of glory".

It is the same, that only those who have
trusted in the blood of Jesus can know "by
his stripes ye are healed,".
One of God's redemptive names is Jehovah-
Raph, "I am te Lord that healeth thee,".

This shows us that what was lost has now been
returned during our age of grace. Jesus has
restored during the Gospel age, health for the
soul and body, forgiveness and healing are ours
wherever He preached "the acceptable year of
the Lord," in order for the inner and outer man
may be whole.
When Adam and Eve were driven out of the
Garden of Eden, we lost everything. but
Jesus recovered it all by His death on the

No mercy or blessing of the Gospel is ours
without Jesus. First, Calvary, then the
Gospel that He "bare our sins" and "bare
our sicknesses," to "every creature,"
In the Old Testament, in Leviticus 14:18 the
priest was making restitution for a leper's
healing. Why for him if healing is not for us
today through Jesus?

It is only through restitution that sickness
can be healed. Everything God provided in
the Old Testament is provided and better in
the New Testament by Jesus.
Communion isn't just a ritual, when we take
it, we are taking part of the life of Jesus, His
death and His benefits. In Him there is both
spiritual and physical life. . .
"it is made manifest in our mortal flesh"
2 Corinthians 4:11

Again, we are not to forget all His benefits,
He forgives all of our iniquities (sins);
and heals all of our diseases,
he redeems (rescues) our lives from
destruction; (Psalms 103:3)
Nature or the physical body always does it's
natural work in restoring or healing itself.
We have been made that way.

Some sicknesses or diseases the body cannot
repair on it's own. So
when we go to a doctor
for help; they can only aid in the natural work
or do a temporary fix, manage or control them.
They acknowledge that they are unable to do the
healing process, which can only come from God.

We can receive our physical salvation the same
way we received our spiritual salvation, through
faith in Jesus' work on the cross.

Disease is a physical penalty because of sin;
but Jesus took that penalty in His body for
us by the "stripes" or lashes or beating He
received before He went to the cross.

Because He has taken them for us, then we
do not have to "bare" them or keep them in
our bodies. If we keep them, then He bore
them for nothing.
Disease is a part of the curse.

"Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of
the law, being made a curse for us: for it is
written, Cursed is everyone that hangeth on
a tree:"
Galatians 3:13

Only God's power through Jesus can remove
the curse which is disease.
" By one man sin entered into the world,
and death by sin." Romans 5:12
So we know that death entered into the
world because of Adam's sin.

We also know that disease (a form of death)
has entered into the world because of sin.
The only way out of disease in through the
works of Jesus Christ. God's power is the only
power that can destroy the works of the devil.