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After planting God's Word, His seeds, in our
hearts and minds, we have to believe they
are growing even before we see them grow
and produce.

This is faith which is "the evidence of things
not seen." Seeing only what God says will
produce faith. No one ever looks in vain to
the Great Physician.

His Words of healing can be trusted when we
get them into our hearts and trust Him to
bring them to pass!
Where are we looking? Symptoms can be
powerful, calling for our attention.

But if we can make ourselves look at the
Word of God which can over power all the
symptoms and give us the healing we are

All heaven is behind His Words! He healeth
all thy diseases!
When our eyes are upon our symptoms and
our minds are being occupied with them more
than with God's Word, we have the wrong seeds
in our hearts. We have seeds of doubt.

Our symptoms may point to death, but God's
Word points to life. We have to look at one or
the other; we cannot look at both at the same

It is the one that we look at continuously that
we will manifest in our lives.
Our faith becomes stronger when we are
looking at the promises of God and not at
something else.

The word can only work when it is kept in
our hearts and minds. This does not mean
occasionally but continually throughout
the day.

His word is the "imperishable seed" that
can "effectually work in us" when it is kept
"in the midst of our hearts."
In Proverbs we see the way of getting
results from the promises in God's Word:

"Incline thine ears unto my sayings."
We must constantly listen to it.

"Let them not depart from thine eyes."
We must constantly be looking at it.

"Keep them in the midst of thine heart."
There must be a constant reverant heart.
In the Psalms, David said, "Thy Word hath
quickened me." Paul tells us that it is the Word
which effectually worketh in them that believe.

Every Word of God is 'spirit and life' and will
work in us when we receive and 'attend' to it.

When we receive and obey the Word of God, we
can say with Paul, "The power of God worketh
in me mightily." The Word of God becomes the
Power of God. It is spirit and life.
God tells us exactly how to "attend" to His

He says, "Let them not depart from thine
eyes, keep them in the midst of thine heart."

Instead of looking at the symptoms or the
problems, we are to be looking at His Words,
continuously. The word will only work if it
is kept "in the midst of our hearts."

Many have failed by not doing this.
God says that when we do as He tells us, His
Words are made "health to all our flesh."

It doesn't matter what kind of unhealthy
flesh. It is to all those who 'find' and 'attend'
to the Words of God.

This is the same way that the Word of God
beomes health to the soul.
When God's Word becomes health to all
your flesh, sickness, disease and pain will
be gone.

The Word when it's received and acted on
produces results.

The flesh of many today is not healthy
because they have not found or attended
to that part of God's Word.

This is the way to receive the blessings of
God that He has provided for us if they
don't happen instantaneously. His ways
must be followed in order to receive His
blessings 'healings or others'.
The Word of God cannot be health to either
our souls or our bodies before it is heard,
received and attended to.

Notice that the Words of God are life only
to those that "find" them.

If you want to receive life and healing from
God, take the time to find the words in the
bible which promises healing.

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In Proverbs 4:20-22, we have instructions
on how to receive our healings.

"Attend to My Words;
incline thine ear unto My sayings.
Let them not depart from thine eyes;
keep them in the midst of thine heart.
For they are life unto those that find them,
and health to all their flesh."

God's Word works when we look and act
only on His promises and not on the
problems. He can fulfill them when He
gets the right partisipation from us.

When we hold fast to our confidence in His
word and add to it praise and thanksgiving,
God will undertake for us.
Between the time that we pray for healing
for our body, and the time of the manifest-
ation of our healing; we need to learn one
of the most valuable lessons of our lives.

Not to cast away our confidence, in God or
His Word of healing that we are claiming.

By staying focused on the Word and not on
the symptoms, we keep our confidence for
our answer.
By practicing Hebrews 6:11-12 we will see
the manifestation of the answer to prayer.

"And we desire that every one of you do shew
the same diligence to the full assurance of hope
unto the end:
That ye be not slothful, but followers of them
who through faith and patience inherit the
After that, we bring it to pass abiding by
Hebrews 10:35-36

"Cast not away therefore your confidence,
which hath great recompence of reward.
For ye have need of patience, that, after ye
have done the will of God, ye might receive
the promise."
When we have found the Word promising us
healing for our bodies, then we need to
act on
that promise according to Mark 11:24

"Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye
desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive
them, and ye shall have them."
Our attitude regarding sickness should be
just like our attitude regarding sin. We need
to have our bodies clean of sickness and
disease, just as we need to have our souls
clean from sin.

Do not ignore any part of the gospel!

We need to believe that our prayers are
heard when we pray for healing just as we
know they are heard when asking forgiveness
of our sins.
We cannot apply the spiritual or the physical
part of the gospel by praying alone.

The Word is powerless until we get it inside
of us. We need to be taught God's Word first
before we can pray successfully.

We need to know in our spirits what the
benefits of God are before we can have faith
in them. "who foriveth all thine iniquities; who
healeth all thy diseases." Psalms 103: 2-3
It is the gospel which the Holy Spirit says,
"is the power of God unto salvation," both
physically and spiritually.

And all the gospel is for "every creature"
and for "all nations."

"Himself bare our sicknesses" Matthew 8:17,
is just as true and part of the gospel as "Who
his own self bare our sins in His own body
on the tree." 1 Peter 2:24
We need to receive forgiveness (when we
sin or not) continuously;

we need to believe for healing (whether
sick or not) continuously;

we need to be delivered from the
distructions of the enemy (whether
attacked or not) continuously;

and we need to (must) speak and eat
good things continuously,

(by faith) all on a daily basis
if we want to walk in our full salvation.
Salvation is healing to the body just as it is
healing to the spirit and soul. We need to
be saved spirit, soul and body. We are not
to leave either one of them out or our
salvation isn't complete.

Remember all of God's benefits:
". . .forget not all his benefits:
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities;

who healeth all thy diseases;
Who redeemeth thy life from destruction;

who crowneth thee with lovingkindness
and tender mercies;
Who satisfieth thy mouth with good

things; so that thy youth is renewed like
the eagle's." Psalms 103:2-5
God's Word is His will. And if His Word
says "He sent His Word and healed them."
Psalms 107:20; then it is His will to heal.

The same faith for salvation works for
healing. In fact, healing is part of salvation.
Only it has to be taken by faith just as His
saving will is taken by faith.

Do not apply any if's, and's or but's to His
Word. They are words of doubt and will
not bring healing or salvation.
Faith for God's promised blessings is to
know and act on His Word. (Romans 10:17)

By acting as if God's Word is true proves to
Him and all that we believe, which is faith.

Faith is simply believing that God will do
what He said He would do. If we can trust
what He says then we can walk away in
full confidence that it is as good as done.
It is important that we know what His word
tells us regarding His promises or we will
just be praying and hoping something will
happen. Then if it doesn't than our first
thought is that it must not be His will for

We do not need a revelation as to whether
it is something He will do for us; but a
revelation that it is His will for us.
It is only when we know for sure that God
promises what we want, that we can than
have the faith to make it manifested in our

Everything He promises us, He is right and
ready to do for us.

Healing is one of His promises.
One thing we have to make sure of, to be
able to receive healing, is that it is God's
will for us to be healed.

We all know He is able to heal us, but not
so sure if He is willing to heal us. That is
the biggest block to healing that everyone
has to deal with.

Jesus displays His willingness to heal to
everyone that came to Him for it. He did
not refuse anyone for any reason. He
always healed them all.