A Hebrew scholar named Dr Robert Young,
the author of Young's Analytical Concordance,
in his Literal Translation of the Bible has
translated this passage Isaiah 53:3-6,10,12 as:
"He is despised and left of men. A man of pains
and acquainted with sickness. And as one
hiding the face from us, He is despised and we
esteemed him not. Surely our sicknesses he
hath borne, And our pains he hath carried
them, And we, we have esteemed him plagued,
smitten of God and afflicted. And he is pierced
for our transgressions. Bruised for our
iniquities. The chastisement of our peace is
upon him and by his bruise their is healing
to us. All of us like sheep have wandered, each
to his own way we have turned. And Jehovah
hath caused to meet on him, The punishment
of us all. . .And Jehovah hath delighted to
bruise him, He hath made him sick. . .With
transgressors he was numbered, And he the
sin of many hath borne, And for transgressors
in intercedeth"