God says, "He that dwelleth in the secret
place of the Most High. . . . with long life
will I satisfy him." Psalms 91

Dwelling in the secrets place is a privilege
for all, not just some. God's promises are
for all.

God would have to break His promise to
be unwilling to heal His children. If all of
these promises were for everyone in the
previous age, how much better it should
be for the age of grace, during which "He
is able to make all grace abound" towards
each of His children.
In Psalms 103, David believed that both for-
giveness and healing were blessings from

He told his soul to bless God, "Bless the
Lord, O my soul: and all that is within
me, bless his holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not
all his benefits:
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities;
who healeth all thy diseases;
Who redeemeth thy life from destruction,
who crowneth thee with lovingkindness
and tender mercies; . . . ." Psalms 103:1-4
In the New Testament, when the sick was
seeking healing, asked 'mercy' from Jesus.

God's mercy covers man's body as well as
his soul.

So Jesus, according to the Old Testament
promise, showed that He was "plenteous
in mercy", by healing all who came to Him.
David, in his time, understood healing to a
world-wide privilege.

He said, "For thou, Lord, art good. . . plent-
eous in mercy unto all them that call upon

Healing was one of the most prominent of
mercies throughout the Word.
The health of the nation of Israel stayed as
long as they stayed in obedience to God.

But years later when they sinned, a plague
killed many thousands. When they returned
to God and obeyed, they were healed. He
was Jehovah-Rapha, the Healer, not just to
some, but to all!
The blessings revealed by God's Redemptive
names, were provided by the Atonement,
when He "tasted death for every man," and
so cannot be confind to Isael.

The 15th Chapter of Exodus shows us that
at that time, God didn't leave the people in
doubt concerning His willingness to heal all.
Exodus Chapter 15 is where God revealed His
covenant of healing, by giving His Redemptive
name 'Jehovah-Rapha' "I am the Lord that
healeth thee."

This is God's word "settled in heaven" a never
changing fact.

Jesus never gave up His healing ministry, "He
is the same yesterday, today and forever,"
Hebrews 13:8
There is nothing more clearly taught in the
Word of God, than that it is His will for all
to be saved and all to be healed.

But we must be taught and convinced that
it is His will to do so or it can not be received.
If we know God's will then we can believe
He will save us and believe He will heal us.

But if we do not know what God's will is,
then it is impossible to receive either one.

So before we can receive anything from God
we have to know if it is His will and we find
that in the Word of God. His Word is His
A sinner cannot believe for salvation until
he is convinced that God will save him.

A person cannot believe for healing of the
body until he is conviced that God will
heal him.
The biggest obstacle to believing for healing
of the body today is: 'Is it the will of God to
heal all?' It is known that God does heal some,
but will He still heal all?

The Bible is clear that healing is for all. But if
it is not believed or claimed, it cannot be re-
Isaiah begins Chapter 53 with the question
"who hath believed our report, and to whom
is the arm of the Lord revealed?" The report
tells that He bore our sins and sicknesses.

The answer to the question is, only those who
have heard the report could believe it, because
"faith cometh by hearing."
A living Church is one in which the living
Jesus lives and walks, doing through its
members what He did in the days of His

It must be a healing Church as much as it
is a soul-saving Church.
He who forfeits the healing power

of Jesus and believes it was for the

times of the New Testament only

is not preaching the whole Gospel.
The healing of the body is a great part of the
Gospel, and must be taught and practiced.

God wills our health, that the Church, the
Body of Christ has the same commission and
the same power as those that preach.

The world must have the full Gospel.
We have the same reason to believe that the
body shall be delivered from sickness that we
have that the soul shall be delivered from sin.

Healing is not a separate issue like some of
them have made it. It is part of the Gospel,
equal with salvation.
Individual believers, not just pastors and elders
have the duty to "pray one for another" ; and they
are to "lay hands on the sick and they shall re-
cover" with the belief that God has commanded us
to do so.
If the Atonement is true,

and it is because the Bible says
so, then we are just as healed as
we are saved!
"He healed them all." is the best
proof that healing was in the Atonement.

Our future is both spiritual and physical.
His redemption has to be both spiritual
and physical.
"ye are not under the law, but
under grace"
Romans 6:14

If we are not under the law, then
we shouldn't be under its curse!
Redemption and the Cross are the same.
We are redeemed from the entire curse,
body, soul and spirit, through His atonement.

Since disease is a part of the curse, how could
He take away this part of the curse by healing
the sick without redeeming us from it?
Every form of sickness and disease known
to man was included in salvation; and many
of them even mentioned in the "Curse of the
law," Deuteronomy 28:15-62

In Galatians 3:13, there is a statement that
"Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of
the law, being made a curse for us, for it is
written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on
the tree."

How much plainer can it be than that Jesus,
Who was born under the law to redeem us,
bore its curse, and so then He did redeem us
from sickness and disease.
Jesus went to the cross, spirit,
soul and body, to redeem man,
spirit, soul and body.

Therefore, the Cross is the center
of the plan of salvation for man,
spirit, soul and body!
"He was made sin for us Who knew no sin"
Jesus didn't have any sin.

Also, He hath made Him sick for us who knew
no sickness. He never was sick.

"Who His own self bore our sins in His own
body on the tree" (the cross). "Surely our
sicknesses He hath borne, and our pains, He
hath carried them."
Jesus' healing power has been at work at all
times since the world began. . . . .

Jesus Christ,
the same yesterday,
today and forever!
Hebrews 13:8
So Jesus bore our sins and sicknesses on the

Sin and sickness have passed from us to the
cross; and salvation and health have passed
from the cross to us!
Isaiah 53:4 cannot refer to disease of the soul.
Neither of the words translated "sickness" and
"pain" are applied to the spiritual but to the

This is proven by Matthew 8:16-17, ". . . .and
He cast out the spirits with His word, and healed
all that were sick; that it might be fulfilled which
was spoken by Esaias, the Prophet, saying,
Himself took our infirmities, and bare our
There are two words in the Hebrew that have
been translated incorrectly as "griefs" and

Everyone that has examined the original text
have found, what is everywhere acknowledged,
that these two words mean "sicknesses" and
This is not only a promise, it is an ordinance
and a statute.

We have in the command of James 5:14, an
ordinance of healing in Jesus' name that is
sacred and binding upon all the churches today,
just as much as the ordinances of the Lord's
Supper and Baptism.
Isaiah declares "Surely He hath borne our
sicknesses and carried our pains."

The fact is, that the very first covenant God
gave after crossing the Red Sea, was the
covenant of healing, and it was at this time
that God revealed Himself as our Physician,
by the first redemptive and covenant name,
Jehovah-rapha, "I am the Lord that healeth
Jehovah is the redemptive name of diety,
and means the self-existent one who reveals

Jehovah-rapha is translated "I am the Lord
thy Physician," or "I am the Lord that healeth
thee." This name is given to reveal to us our
redemptive privilege of being healed.
"All these things happen unto them for
ensamples; and they are written for our
admonition upon whom the ends of the
world are come." 1 Corinthians 10:11

The Holy Spirit shows us that these things
are for the Gentiles as well as for Israel.
"Know ye, therefore, that they which are
of faith the same are the children of Abraham
. . . .now to Abraham and his seed were the
promises made. . . . and if ye be Christ's ye
are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to
the promise." Galatians 3:7,16,29

The church has learned that there is no
difference to Jesus between the sick Gentile
and a sick Israelite.
In Psalm 103, David calls upon his soul to
bless the Lord and to "forget not all his

Then he says, "Who forgiveth all thine
iniquities (sins), who healeth all thy diseases."

The only way God can forgive sin is through
the Atonement of Jesus. He heals diseases
the same way. The only way God can save
any part of man is by the Atonement.
Aaron, an Old Testament priest, in his office
of mediator, stood between the people and
death by making an atonement against the
plague (which is the healing of the body).

The same with Jesus, our mediator, by His
Atonement, redeemed us from the "plague"
(which is sin and sickness).
Since in the Old Testament age they all had
the privilege of being healed, then surely in
this "better" age, with its better covenant and
better promises, God wouldn't do away with
this Old Testament blessing.

If He has , then we have been "ripped off"
by the new and better covenant.
Matthew 8:17 definitely states that Jesus
healed all diseases on the basis of the

The Atonement was His reason for making
no exceptions while healing the sick. "He. .
healed all that were sick, that it might be
fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias, the
prophet, saying: Himself took our infirm-
ities and bare our sickness."

Since it is our sicknesses He bore, His
Atonement includes all of us, it would
requires the healing of all to fulfill this
prophecy. Jesus is still healing all who
come to Him in faith, "that it might be
fulfilled. . . ."
The reason why many of the sick today are
not receiving their possession of healing, is
because "Faith cometh by hearing," and the
ministers have not been taught that part of
the gospel, so they are not preaching it to
their people.

They are not like Paul, declaring "the whole
counsel of God."
God's promise is to pour His Spirit upon all
flesh during the "acceptable year of the Lord,"
which is today, the age of the Holy Spirit.

He comes as Jesus' representative to bring us
all the blessings of redemption; to bring to us
"the earnest" of our spiritual and physical
inheritance, until the last enemy, which is
death, is destroyed, therefore admitting us
into our full inheritance.
Paul tells us that it is "in Him" that all the
promises of God are yea and amen; which
is another way of saying that all the promises
of God, including His promise to heal, owe
their existence and power completely to the
redeeming work of Jesus.
Some want to apply physical healing to the
'here after' ; but Jesus said "this day is this
scripture fulfilled in your ears." It is fulfilled
here and now, not in the 'here after'.

It is now that God has set in the church
"teachers, working of miracles, gifts of healing,"
etc. They will not be needed in the 'here after'
because there will be no sickness or disease or
pain because all will have glorified bodies.

That is when mortality puts on immortality.
If healing is only for the 'here after' then so
would be the working of miracles and teachers,
but no, they are all for the church today.
Only those who have been saved by the
blood of Jesus can know "joy unspeakable
and full of glory".

It is the same, that only those who have
trusted in the blood of Jesus can know "by
his stripes ye are healed,".
One of God's redemptive names is Jehovah-
Raph, "I am te Lord that healeth thee,".

This shows us that what was lost has now been
returned during our age of grace. Jesus has
restored during the Gospel age, health for the
soul and body, forgiveness and healing are ours
wherever He preached "the acceptable year of
the Lord," in order for the inner and outer man
may be whole.
When Adam and Eve were driven out of the
Garden of Eden, we lost everything. but
Jesus recovered it all by His death on the

No mercy or blessing of the Gospel is ours
without Jesus. First, Calvary, then the
Gospel that He "bare our sins" and "bare
our sicknesses," to "every creature,"
In the Old Testament, in Leviticus 14:18 the
priest was making restitution for a leper's
healing. Why for him if healing is not for us
today through Jesus?

It is only through restitution that sickness
can be healed. Everything God provided in
the Old Testament is provided and better in
the New Testament by Jesus.
Communion isn't just a ritual, when we take
it, we are taking part of the life of Jesus, His
death and His benefits. In Him there is both
spiritual and physical life. . .
"it is made manifest in our mortal flesh"
2 Corinthians 4:11

Again, we are not to forget all His benefits,
He forgives all of our iniquities (sins);
and heals all of our diseases,
he redeems (rescues) our lives from
destruction; (Psalms 103:3)
Nature or the physical body always does it's
natural work in restoring or healing itself.
We have been made that way.

Some sicknesses or diseases the body cannot
repair on it's own. So
when we go to a doctor
for help; they can only aid in the natural work
or do a temporary fix, manage or control them.
They acknowledge that they are unable to do the
healing process, which can only come from God.

We can receive our physical salvation the same
way we received our spiritual salvation, through
faith in Jesus' work on the cross.

Disease is a physical penalty because of sin;
but Jesus took that penalty in His body for
us by the "stripes" or lashes or beating He
received before He went to the cross.

Because He has taken them for us, then we
do not have to "bare" them or keep them in
our bodies. If we keep them, then He bore
them for nothing.
Disease is a part of the curse.

"Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of
the law, being made a curse for us: for it is
written, Cursed is everyone that hangeth on
a tree:"
Galatians 3:13

Only God's power through Jesus can remove
the curse which is disease.
" By one man sin entered into the world,
and death by sin." Romans 5:12
So we know that death entered into the
world because of Adam's sin.

We also know that disease (a form of death)
has entered into the world because of sin.
The only way out of disease in through the
works of Jesus Christ. God's power is the only
power that can destroy the works of the devil.

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After planting God's Word, His seeds, in our
hearts and minds, we have to believe they
are growing even before we see them grow
and produce.

This is faith which is "the evidence of things
not seen." Seeing only what God says will
produce faith. No one ever looks in vain to
the Great Physician.

His Words of healing can be trusted when we
get them into our hearts and trust Him to
bring them to pass!
Where are we looking? Symptoms can be
powerful, calling for our attention.

But if we can make ourselves look at the
Word of God which can over power all the
symptoms and give us the healing we are

All heaven is behind His Words! He healeth
all thy diseases!
When our eyes are upon our symptoms and
our minds are being occupied with them more
than with God's Word, we have the wrong seeds
in our hearts. We have seeds of doubt.

Our symptoms may point to death, but God's
Word points to life. We have to look at one or
the other; we cannot look at both at the same

It is the one that we look at continuously that
we will manifest in our lives.
Our faith becomes stronger when we are
looking at the promises of God and not at
something else.

The word can only work when it is kept in
our hearts and minds. This does not mean
occasionally but continually throughout
the day.

His word is the "imperishable seed" that
can "effectually work in us" when it is kept
"in the midst of our hearts."
In Proverbs we see the way of getting
results from the promises in God's Word:

"Incline thine ears unto my sayings."
We must constantly listen to it.

"Let them not depart from thine eyes."
We must constantly be looking at it.

"Keep them in the midst of thine heart."
There must be a constant reverant heart.
In the Psalms, David said, "Thy Word hath
quickened me." Paul tells us that it is the Word
which effectually worketh in them that believe.

Every Word of God is 'spirit and life' and will
work in us when we receive and 'attend' to it.

When we receive and obey the Word of God, we
can say with Paul, "The power of God worketh
in me mightily." The Word of God becomes the
Power of God. It is spirit and life.
God tells us exactly how to "attend" to His

He says, "Let them not depart from thine
eyes, keep them in the midst of thine heart."

Instead of looking at the symptoms or the
problems, we are to be looking at His Words,
continuously. The word will only work if it
is kept "in the midst of our hearts."

Many have failed by not doing this.
God says that when we do as He tells us, His
Words are made "health to all our flesh."

It doesn't matter what kind of unhealthy
flesh. It is to all those who 'find' and 'attend'
to the Words of God.

This is the same way that the Word of God
beomes health to the soul.
When God's Word becomes health to all
your flesh, sickness, disease and pain will
be gone.

The Word when it's received and acted on
produces results.

The flesh of many today is not healthy
because they have not found or attended
to that part of God's Word.

This is the way to receive the blessings of
God that He has provided for us if they
don't happen instantaneously. His ways
must be followed in order to receive His
blessings 'healings or others'.
The Word of God cannot be health to either
our souls or our bodies before it is heard,
received and attended to.

Notice that the Words of God are life only
to those that "find" them.

If you want to receive life and healing from
God, take the time to find the words in the
bible which promises healing.

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In Proverbs 4:20-22, we have instructions
on how to receive our healings.

"Attend to My Words;
incline thine ear unto My sayings.
Let them not depart from thine eyes;
keep them in the midst of thine heart.
For they are life unto those that find them,
and health to all their flesh."

God's Word works when we look and act
only on His promises and not on the
problems. He can fulfill them when He
gets the right partisipation from us.

When we hold fast to our confidence in His
word and add to it praise and thanksgiving,
God will undertake for us.
Between the time that we pray for healing
for our body, and the time of the manifest-
ation of our healing; we need to learn one
of the most valuable lessons of our lives.

Not to cast away our confidence, in God or
His Word of healing that we are claiming.

By staying focused on the Word and not on
the symptoms, we keep our confidence for
our answer.
By practicing Hebrews 6:11-12 we will see
the manifestation of the answer to prayer.

"And we desire that every one of you do shew
the same diligence to the full assurance of hope
unto the end:
That ye be not slothful, but followers of them
who through faith and patience inherit the
After that, we bring it to pass abiding by
Hebrews 10:35-36

"Cast not away therefore your confidence,
which hath great recompence of reward.
For ye have need of patience, that, after ye
have done the will of God, ye might receive
the promise."
When we have found the Word promising us
healing for our bodies, then we need to
act on
that promise according to Mark 11:24

"Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye
desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive
them, and ye shall have them."
Our attitude regarding sickness should be
just like our attitude regarding sin. We need
to have our bodies clean of sickness and
disease, just as we need to have our souls
clean from sin.

Do not ignore any part of the gospel!

We need to believe that our prayers are
heard when we pray for healing just as we
know they are heard when asking forgiveness
of our sins.
We cannot apply the spiritual or the physical
part of the gospel by praying alone.

The Word is powerless until we get it inside
of us. We need to be taught God's Word first
before we can pray successfully.

We need to know in our spirits what the
benefits of God are before we can have faith
in them. "who foriveth all thine iniquities; who
healeth all thy diseases." Psalms 103: 2-3
It is the gospel which the Holy Spirit says,
"is the power of God unto salvation," both
physically and spiritually.

And all the gospel is for "every creature"
and for "all nations."

"Himself bare our sicknesses" Matthew 8:17,
is just as true and part of the gospel as "Who
his own self bare our sins in His own body
on the tree." 1 Peter 2:24
We need to receive forgiveness (when we
sin or not) continuously;

we need to believe for healing (whether
sick or not) continuously;

we need to be delivered from the
distructions of the enemy (whether
attacked or not) continuously;

and we need to (must) speak and eat
good things continuously,

(by faith) all on a daily basis
if we want to walk in our full salvation.
Salvation is healing to the body just as it is
healing to the spirit and soul. We need to
be saved spirit, soul and body. We are not
to leave either one of them out or our
salvation isn't complete.

Remember all of God's benefits:
". . .forget not all his benefits:
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities;

who healeth all thy diseases;
Who redeemeth thy life from destruction;

who crowneth thee with lovingkindness
and tender mercies;
Who satisfieth thy mouth with good

things; so that thy youth is renewed like
the eagle's." Psalms 103:2-5
God's Word is His will. And if His Word
says "He sent His Word and healed them."
Psalms 107:20; then it is His will to heal.

The same faith for salvation works for
healing. In fact, healing is part of salvation.
Only it has to be taken by faith just as His
saving will is taken by faith.

Do not apply any if's, and's or but's to His
Word. They are words of doubt and will
not bring healing or salvation.
Faith for God's promised blessings is to
know and act on His Word. (Romans 10:17)

By acting as if God's Word is true proves to
Him and all that we believe, which is faith.

Faith is simply believing that God will do
what He said He would do. If we can trust
what He says then we can walk away in
full confidence that it is as good as done.
It is important that we know what His word
tells us regarding His promises or we will
just be praying and hoping something will
happen. Then if it doesn't than our first
thought is that it must not be His will for

We do not need a revelation as to whether
it is something He will do for us; but a
revelation that it is His will for us.
It is only when we know for sure that God
promises what we want, that we can than
have the faith to make it manifested in our

Everything He promises us, He is right and
ready to do for us.

Healing is one of His promises.
One thing we have to make sure of, to be
able to receive healing, is that it is God's
will for us to be healed.

We all know He is able to heal us, but not
so sure if He is willing to heal us. That is
the biggest block to healing that everyone
has to deal with.

Jesus displays His willingness to heal to
everyone that came to Him for it. He did
not refuse anyone for any reason. He
always healed them all.

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Now if you desire to be healed and are not
healed, there has to be a change. And that
change must be with you because God never
changes. He is the Lord that healeth "all thy

If you will humble yearself before Him and
pray believingly, He will reveal to you just
what the needed change is. More than that,
He will enable you to make it.

"For it is God which worketh in you both to
will and to do of His good pleasure"
Philippians 2:13
God cannot change!

He is the same today and says the same
words of power. He proclaims the fulfill-
ment of the words of the prophet spoken
hundreds of years ago.
"I am the Lord, I change not" Malachi 3:6
God says that the sick ought to be healed.
He was so determined to heal them that He
let Jesus endure such awful cruelty that His
body lost almost all recognition of humanity.
(Isaiah 52:14)

By His broken body, He provided perfect
soundness for every human being born into
this world.

God did His part for us; now we have to do
our part in order to receive our inheritance
by faith.
A "spirit of infirmity" is of Satan; it saps the
power out of muscles, nerves and tendons
so that they cannot support the body in its
normal posture.

But when Jesus was in the temple and saw
a woman who was bowed over with a spirit
of infirmity fourteen years; He called her
over and said to her, "Woman, thou art
loosed from thine infirmity. And He laid his
hands on her; and immediately she was
made straight, and glorified God."

This infirmity had to loosed or cast off the
woman's body and we must believe the same.
The father asking for healing of his son, in
the book of John, was a gradual manifest-

There is such a thing as a gradual faith. It
began when Jesus spoke the Word. The
boy began to 'amend' or improve.

Remember that the unchanging law is:
"As thou hast believed, so be it done unto
thee" Matthew 8:13
Distance was no obstacle to Jesus then, and
it is not an obstacle to Him now. He healed
a child by His word, in spite of the distance.
He will do the same of anyone who will trust

Man has done away with distance by all the
inventions regarding travel, communications,
etc. We can be sure that distance is no barrier
to the workings of God to fulfill His Word.
When Jesus started His miracles in Cana
with the water into wine, His mother had
said, "Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it."

That is faith. If He tells you to walk when
you can't, step out; or to speak when you
have no voice, open your mouth wide; or to
believe when you are not conscious of an
ounce of faith, do it; or to sing His praises
when you feel like crying; "I will bless Thee,
oh Lord. . . .I will bless thy name forever
and ever!" That is faith.
Only God can give us our daily bread. We
may have it in the bank, in our hands, in
our mouths, in our stomachs, or in our
blood even, but only God can give it to us.

This He does by making His Word health
to all our flesh, including every gland and

"Give us this day our daily bread," is not a
petition for food only but for life. It is a
prayer for perfect health put in our mouths
by the Lord Jesus Himself.
Peter, when he went from town to town, had
come to a place called Lydda. He found a man
who had been paralysed for eight years.
"And Peter said unto him, Aeneas, Jesus Christ
maketh thee whole: arise, and make thy bed.
And he arose immediately. And all that dwelt
at Lydda and Saron saw him, and turned to
the Lord." Acts 9:32-35

This is a case of chronic disease which was in
the age of the Holy Spirit, after Jesus ascended.

We have no right being one half or even three
quarters whole. We are not justified in being

Whether acute or chronic, "He healeth all thy
diseases" !

Whenever temptations, physical sufferings
and weaknesses, or financial disasters are
ours, we must ask ourselves: "Is Jesus with
us?" and next "Is He Lord of all?" If so, the
Holy Spirit and the Word says that we are
safe in Him and God will take care of us!

He must in order to be true to His Word in
which He has magnified above His Name.
It is clearly revealed that Jesus has redeemed
us from the curse of the law, including every
sickness and disease that afflicts mankind.

This truth belongs to us, and our children, and
we are responsible before God for the use that
we make of it. Anything to the opposite of it
is not of God.
If you have been threatened with alarming
symptoms in your body, have no fear!

Turn to God, repent if needed and look by
faith to the Lord Jesus. Then rest securely
in the knowledge that Satan cannot put
disease (part of the curse) upon you.
Satan comes with all his power and exhausts
his resources to curse us with devouring
disease; but when we look in simple faith to
the One who was made a curse for us, the
enemy is defeated.

He cannot curse whom God has not cursed;
his efforts to do so only results in increased
blessing for us.
God is not a man, that he should

neither the son of man, that he
should repent:

hath he said,
and shall he not do it?

or hath he spoken, and shall he
not make it good?
Numbers 23:19
He Himself took and bore,

not once but for always.

He is always lifting us


bearing us!
Himself is our medicine, and He never fails.

He is the healing and the health. Healing
cannot be had apart from Him. He is the
life of our bodies as well as of our spirits. It
is all rolled up in Him and we have to receive
Him in all His fullness to get the healing in
its perfection.

He abides in us by the Holy Spirit!
It was He Himself who took our infirmities
and bore our sicknesses. Not Himself and
physicians; not Himself and surgeons.

When it tells us in Hebrews 1:3 that "He, . . .
by himself purged our sins," we would not
dare to add one speck of human effort to
that sacrifice. There is nothing that can be

When the Bible tells us that He Himself forever
fulfilled and finished our healing what could
ever be added to it?

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Bible Scriptures on Healing
They that wait. . . .
The Lord is my Healer!
Healing in His Wings!
Healing Prayers
Counting all things!
Healing things we are to think on. . . . .
"He died for our sins according to the scrip-
tures." 1 Corinthians 15:3

He also bore our sicknesses, as well as our
sins on the cross. "Surely he hath borne
our griefs, and carried our sorrows."
Isaiah 53:4

The words 'griefs' kholee, and 'sorrows'
makob, literally mean 'sicknesses' and
'pains'. Healing is in the Atonement!
Healing wasn't some unusual show of His power
to convince the people of His deity, but it was
to fulfill His messiahship.

He had to heal all who came to Him for healing,
or else He would not have been true to the portrail
of Him by the Holy Spirit 700 years before.

We can't find any way to accept a Christ who does
not heal the sick. There isn't any such Christ in the
In Matthew 8:16-17, "When the even was
come, they brought unto him many that were
possessed with devils: and he cast out the
spirits with his word, and healed all that were
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by

Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our
infirmities, and bare our sicknesses."

This meeting connected the prophecy of Isaiah
by the Holy Spirit in chapter 53. It declared
Jesus, the Messiah, as the bearer of sickness
and infirmities. He took them.
Then there was a Roman centurion Mattthew
8:5-13. His proud head was bowed before
Jesus and he called Him "Lord". He says in
a way, "I know what power is. Caesar has power
over me, power of life and death; I have power
over my men, but in Thee I acknowledge power
over all power. Speak but the word. It is all I ask,
for I am not worthy."

Then Jesus said He had not found such faith in
Israel. And his servant was healed in the selfsame
Just before "Himself" in Matthew 8:17, the
leper doubted Jesus' willingness to heal even
though he was convinced that He was able to.

Maybe he was too conscious of his condition
that he couldn't believe that Jesus could have
mercy on him.

But Jesus settled that thought forever by
saying, "I will. . . .be thou clean."

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In order to experience the power of the Bible
in healing our bodies, it is necessary to have
it hidden in our hearts.

Then we can meditate in it day and night, and
let it flow through our beings.
Never forget that it is the Word that heals!

Psalms 107:20
"He sent His word and healed them"

The word means the Lord Jesus Christ; but as
we read the written Word in faith, the Lord
Jesus Himself meets us.
Matthew 8:1-17
"When he was come down from the mountain,
great multitudes followed him.
And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped

him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make
me clean.
And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him,

saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his
leprosy was cleansed.
And Jesus saith unto him, See thou tell no man;

but go thy way, shew thyself to the priest, and
offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a testi-
mony unto them.
And when Jesus was entered into
there came unto him a centurion, beseeching
And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick

of the palsy, grievously tormented.
And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal

The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not

worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof:
but speak the word only, and my servant shall be
For I am a man under authority, having soldiers

under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth;
and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my
servant, Do this, and he doeth it.
When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to

them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have
not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.
And I say unto you, That many shall come from

the east and west, and shall sit down with
Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom
of heaven.
But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out

into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and
gnashing of teeth.
And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way;

and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto
thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame
And when Jesus was come into Peter's house, he

saw his wife's mother laid, and sick of a fever.
And he touched her hand, and the fever left her:

and she arose, and ministered unto them.
When the even was come, they brought unto

him many that were possessed with devils: and
he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed
all that were sick:
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by

Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our
infirmities, and bare our sicknesses."
Only God knows the power that is in His

But if the salt has lost its savor, it is good
for nothing.

Jesus said, " Ye are the salt of the earth: but
if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith
shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for
nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden
under foot of men." Matthew 5:13
Jesus told us that He sends us out just as the
Father sent Him and the works that He did we
are to do also, and greater works.

God plans for His salt to be spread world-wide
like the mineral type. His salt is to be found
everywhere, scattered to all lands till all have
heard his message of salvation.
A new creature doesn't come by effort, good
intentions, or by reforming. Only by the Spirit
of God coming together with a human.

We are born of God, made partakers of the
divine nature, heirs of God, joint heirs with Jesus.
"Beloved, now are we the sons of God" 1 John 3:2
"Ye are the children of God by faith in Jesus Christ"
Galatians 3:26

Salt is not only sodium, we are not only old Adam
but a new creation in Christ Jesus. White by the
blood of the Lamb.
Something from above: the Spirit of God.
Something from below: human being.
When mixed is a re-creation and is a new
substance [creation] in Christ Jesus.

Just like it is totally impossible to get the
natural salt without mixing something from
above with something from below; so it is
spiritually impossible to ge a new creature
without mixing something from above with
something from below.
The dark, dull metal from the earth is like
human's natural state. "the first man is of
the earth, earthy" I Corinthians 15:47

"Except a man be born again, [from above],
he cannot see the kingdom of God."
John 3:3
Salt is found everywhere in nature. But all
the salt found is formed from something
above and from something below.

It is the chemical, sodium chloride. It is
totally different when mixed. It is white, pure,
beautiful in a crystalized form. It is healing,
health-preserving, decay-preventing, completely
different from everything else in the universe.
Nothing else can take it's place.
Jesus compares His people to salt. "Ye are the
salt of the earth" Matthew 5:13

Salt is a mixture of two substances:
one) something from above, a gas, chlorine
second) something from below, metal, sodium

Together they make a new substance, sodium
chloride, or salt.

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Every cell in the body is continually bathed
by the blood in tissue lymph which they can
not live without.

The blood of Jesus brings us into communion
and fellowship with God in which we can not
have life without.

The study of human blood helps us realize
the truths of the Word of God.